First Grade

First Grade art builds on all the fine motor skills that were introduced in Kindergarten. Students are given longer, multiple stepped projects that foster perseverance. Delayed gratification is an important social emotional skill that further develops in this critical year.  First Grade students are expected to understand and describe the steps in completing an art project.

An emphasis is placed on creating works of art inspired by stories or poems, ideas, and themes. As a way of expanding a child's conception of the world, I introduce artists and their life stories in First Grade. Students create art from real and imaginary sources of inspiration. They will also depict personal experiences in works of art.

The elements of art emphasized in first grade are line, shape, space and texture. Students are also introduced to some basic principles of art: rhythm, pattern and contrast. As always, I encourage families to allow students to use their hands at home. First grade is a perfect year to take trips to local museums. The Museum of the Shenandoah Valley in Winchester is an excellent resource.