
Bus Parking and Driver Information

Address of school:

    Clarke Community High School

    800 N. Jackson St.

    Osceola, Iowa 50213

Drop off location:

    Drive on to campus. We have a MAIN ENTRANCE  on the SOUTH side of campus. This will be the only entrance for performers and spectators. The traffic around the building is now 2 way. (But it may be easier for busses to go around the building after dropping of students)

Bus Parking:

    Bus parking will be back near the softball field. Between the softball field and practice football field.  

Please do NOT park buses on the campus proper.

Bus Drivers lounge:

    The driver's lounge will be the faculty lounge located toward the north end of the building. Please follow signs.  This is a place for the to sit only.

Loading at end of day:

    This can be done at the same location (at your discretion). It may be congested if many buses are trying to get in there at once.