FY24 Tentative Budget

FY24 Tentative Budget

DESCRIPTION: The CCSD FY24 Tentative Budget Dashboard was built to accompany the proposed tentative CCSD budget for the 2023-2024 school year. As with most dashboards, it is easier to use on a desktop or laptop.

FILTER: The filter at the top allows users to look at the budget by function codes, which are aligned to Georgia DOE codes found here. The bulk of the budget (over 62%) is under Instruction. If you wanted to look at the budget without Instruction included, simply unclick Instruction from the filter. Any filter action will automatically adjust the charts below. Simply press Reset when you want to go back to the original filter settings.

CHARTS: The first chart is a stacked bar chart by Function Code displaying budget and contingency. The second chart includes Function Detail where you can see how the budget is allocated under each Function. The third chart is a pie chart to show the percent proportion by Function.

USER OPTIONS: At the top right of any chart, users have the ability to custom sort; change the type of chart (for example, users can turn a bar graph into a pie chart); gain insights into the data; maximize the chart to make it easier to view; or export the chart in 6 different formats. Don't worry! Your actions will not change the charts for other users.

QUESTIONS: If you have technical questions about how to use this dashboard, reach out to James Barlament at barlamentj@clarke.k12.ga.us or 706-546-7721, ext 79540

The dashboard is embedded below; however, for better functionality click here to use the full power of this dashboard.