Early Checkout 

Academic class time is extremely important. Parents and students should make every effort to work with service providers to arrange out-of-school appointments for students during after-school hours. 

Early Dismissal Notes

An early dismissal note is given to a student when a time has been scheduled for them to leave school early.  If a student needs to be checked out early, a parent/guardian must complete this form or the student must bring a note from their parent/guardian indicating the date, time, and reason of check out to the Attendance Office before 10:00 am. Notes and completed forms must include a valid telephone number where the parent can be reached to verify the early check out. If CCHS staff is unable to receive verbal permission from the parent/guardian, the student will NOT receive a dismissal note. Once permission is confirmed, the student will be called to class to pick up their dismissal note which will allow them to leave class and go to the front office for check out. 

Students are not allowed to wait for their parents/guardian for more than 10 minutes. Any student waiting for their parent/guardian for more than 10 minutes will be sent back to the classroom. The next available time for the student to be checked out by the parent/guardian will be at the end of that class period. Students can not be checked out after 2:55 pm.

Early Pick Up

Parents/guardians and individuals identified in Campus may pick up students by coming to the school's front office which is directly inside the main entrance. They must show ID and wait in the front office until the student is called and leaves class. Students can not be checked out after 2:55 pm.

Students Who Drive

Students who drive to school may leave school early for school approved reasons, including Work-Based Learning, Dual Enrollment, or to attend the Athens Community Career Academy. 

If these students need to check out early for another reason, a parent/guardian must either submit a note to the front office or complete the early checkout form online (both described above). Students will be given an early dismissal note which will allow them to leave class early, go to their vehicle, and leave campus. They must show their early dismissal note to the security officer at the gate of the parking lot in order to leave. 

Absences Due to Early Checkout

If a student is checked out with more than 15 minutes remaining in a class, they will be marked absent for that class (see ABT under Definitions). These absences are unexcused until an excuse note has been submitted by a parent/guardian.