Resources for Mr. Jeff's U.s. HIstory class

Exploring the Lives of Civil Rights

Leaders and Activists 

What makes a person historically significant? 

Who were the historically significant people in the civil rights movement?

You can find biographical information about many civil rights leaders and activists by using Gale's Biography database (at right or click here to open a new window).  A list of individuals involved in the civil rights movement can be found here.

Listed below are links to books on Sora relating to Rosa Parks, Claudette Colvin, John Lewis, Diane Nash, Bayard Rustin, Thurgood Marshall, and Ella Baker.  You will need your DOE email address and password to access Sora.  For each text, the language and reading level (easier, medium, higher) are noted, as well as if there is an audio or read-along version of the text.  Additional links to primary resources are included with each individual.  

We have many print resources in the MLL Media Center about each of these individuals, as well as books about additional individuals who were involved in the civil rights movement.  Stop by and take a look at the collection -- and feel free to ask Ms. Pam for help!

Claudette Colvin

Books on Sora:

Claudette Colvin Refuses to Move (medium, Read Along, English)

She Persisted: Claudette Colvin (medium, English) and audio version

Because Claudette (medium, English)

Rosa Parks and Claudette Colvin (medium, English, graphic novel)

Claudette Colvin (higher, English)

In the Media Center: Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice (with audio PlayAway).

Primary Sources:

Browder v. Gayle (lower court decision, 1956)

Arrest record

John Lewis

Books on Sora:

March, Book 1 (medium, English, graphic novel)

March, Book 2 (medium, English, graphic novel)

March, Book 3 (medium, English, graphic novel)

I am John Lewis (easier, English) and audio version

John Lewis (medium, English)

John Lewis in the Lead (medium, English, picture book)

TV Exposes Brutality on the Selma March (higher, English, photographs)

Primary Sources:

Testimony of John Lewis about the March 7, 1965 Selma March 

Interview of John Lewis for Eyes on the Prize


Selma (2014)

Diane Nash

Bayard Rustin

Books on Sora:

Unstoppable: How Bayard Rustin Organized the 1963 March on Washington (easier, English, picture book)

Bayard Rustin (easier, English, picture book)

A Song for the Unsung: Bayard Rustin, the Man Behind the 1963 March on Washington (medium, English, picture book)

Troublemaker for Justice (higher, English)

Primary Sources:

Library of Congress photographs


Rustin (2023) (currently on Netflix)

Thurgood Marshall

Books on Sora:

Thurgood (medium, English, picture book)

The Highest Tribute (medium, English, picture book)

Black Trailblazers (medium, English)

Say It Plain (higher, English, text of argument before the Supreme Court in Cooper v. Aaron)

Primary Sources:

Text of oral argument in Brown v. Board of Education