Make a Club

If you are interested in creating your own club, please take a look at the document below and make your own copy. Please fill out the copy and email it to the current Clubs Liaison, Adysson Kolbas (

First, please find an advisor willing to go through this amazing journey with you.  

Next, find a few students interested in creating the club with you. 

Finally, create a constitution that suits the club and will also suffice for the sample constitution in the clubs packet attached.

Do not write directly on this packet, please! 

(Please note that in the document, there is a section that says "Requests for Approval of ASB Club or Activity.  For the signature portion, you will need to email Alex Chertok ( and get permission for the club through an email.  Once you have obtained his approval, forward his email to the clubs liaisons so they are able to tell the ASB that the principal signature was obtained.  As for signatures of the advisor and students suggesting the club, just ask for their verbal or digital permission and write the names in the signature line.)  

Send the packet back to the club liaisons along with your constitution.  The constitution can either be in the on the bottom of the same document or as a separate attachment.

The bottom document is a copy of the CKHS Champion Club Constitution.  This document can be used as a reference to what your club constitution should provide.  

TEMPLATE: Establishing Club Packet
Sample Constitution