Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery

Click on ONE of the dates below to sign up and take the ASVAB at OHS:

February 21, 2024 at 9:00 am 

March 19, 2024 at 9:00 am 

April 30, 2024 at 9:00 am

You must be in 10-12th grade to take the ASVAB.

You have the option of not releasing your results to the military.

ASVAB CEP (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Career Exploration Program) is a multiple-choice test that helps young people identify their skills and interest, explore occupations, and develop postsecondary plans to realize those goals. 

The ASVAB is not just for military entrance. The ASVAB is used for military entrance, high school graduation (as a pathway in lieu of the SBA) and career exploration. You do not need to commit to the military to access the ASVAB. The ASVAB  Career Exploration Program is an opportunity for students in grades 10-12 to explore the full-spectrum of career options and paths to reach their ultimate career goal. Participation is completely free. 

The test is a timed multi-aptitude test in four critical areas - Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension and Mathematics Knowledge.


Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Exam 

Taking the ASVAB helps students understand their skills and aptitudes in 8 topic areas, several of which are not tested by other standardized exams. Participants are given access to a national career exploration website and can use it and other resources to explore career options within military service that match their skills. By earning at least the minimum score on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) portion of the ASVAB, as posted on the SBE website no later than September 1 each year, students demonstrate their readiness to enter the military and take a meaningful next step after high school. The AFQT tests, which are the sections of the ASVAB exam required for eligibility to serve in a branch of the armed services, include arithmetic reasoning, mathematics knowledge, paragraph comprehension, and word knowledge. Students must take the ASVAB while in high school. They may either meet the minimum score the year they take the ASVAB or the score established by any military branch on a later date prior to the student turning 21 years of age. Note: For the Class of 2020, the minimum AFQT score is 31. 

For students choosing to follow the ASVAB Graduation Pathway, the school must inform students about the following:
• the minimum AFQT eligibility score required by each branch of the military
• the eligibility requirements of specific military occupations, as listed on the SBE’s website and available through the ASVAB Career Exploration Program
• how their scores and personal information might be shared with the Department of Defense (Option 5 - End of school year. No contact prior to that time)
• how to opt out of sharing their scores with the military recruiters. (Option 8 - Not released to Recruiting Services)

Pursuant to the rules set by SBE in WAC 180-51-230, students who meet the SBE determined eligibility score on the AFQT section of the ASVAB will have met the 14 requirement for the ASVAB Graduation Pathway. Students do not have to meet other minimum requirements for military enlistment, nor do they have to enlist or provide their scores to the military for purposes of recruitment.