Who Must Register with Selective Service

Registration with the Selective Service is not only important for the safety of our country, but it ensures that young men have every opportunity to succeed in life by getting the benefits linked to registration. 

This includes:

Registration is not the same as enlisting with the US Armed Forces, and, as there is no draft at present, young men who register with the selective service will not automatically be inducted into the military.

How to Register with the Selective Service System

There are several ways to register with Selective Service. You can:


The bill was signed by Gov. Christine Gregoire on May 16, 2011, which stipulates that men under the age of 26 in Washington may opt to get registered with the Selective Service System when they apply to obtain or renew a state driver’s license. It became effective January 1, 2012, which was also the start date when Selective Service began receiving electronic data transmissions.