Library Policies


During the school year the library is open to all students and teachers Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 3:15 p.m. It contains 3 search computers with an online card catalog, a Reference section with encyclopedias, atlases and specialized encyclopedias and over 12,000 books. Our online resources are available 24/7 and have been chosen to supplement the curriculum taught in the classrooms. From time to time we will do 30-day free trials of databases to evaluate the content's usefulness to our community.

Kindergarten students may check out 1 book and keep it for one week. Books are kept in the classroom first semester with an opportunity to take them home second semester. Kindergartners will start coming to the library when they will be at school all day. 

First grade students start the year with 1 book. If they return all their books on time, after Christmas vacation they will be allowed to check out 2 books.

Second grade students start out with 2 books. If they return all their books on time, after Christmas vacation they will be allowed to check out 3 books.

Third through eighth graders start out with 2 books, but if during the year they have projects they may have 3 or more books checked out at one time. 

Kindergarten and first grade students, may keep books for one week.

Second through fifth grade students may keep books for 2 weeks. Books may be renewed twice if necessary.

Sixth through eighth grade students may keep books for 4 weeks. Books may be renewed once.

Please note than if ANY BOOK IS OVERDUE, a student will not be allowed to check out UNTIL THE OVERDUE BOOK IS RENEWED OR RETURNED. Students can log in to their Destiny account and renew books BEFORE they are overdue. 

Students are encouraged to checkout a Good Fit book and Free Choice book each week.  A Good Fit book is a book that is at the student's reading level and in their interest level. A Free Choice book is a book that is in the student's interest level or one interest level above.

Christ the King Library Book Care Policy

Christ the King Library has been blessed by generous donors for over 50 years. Book care is a big part of library skills taught here at CK. The library staff works to protect the investment of our donors by checking each book carefully when it is returned.

If a student or parent notices damage in a book, we would greatly appreciate it if the student would bring the book to the library to show us the damage, so we can make a note about the book in our database. Please send an email or a note to the librarian to alert us that a book checked out by a child was already damaged when it was brought home.

For the past few years, we have been trying our best to check each book carefully when it is returned to identify any need for repairs. If damage is noted that has not been recorded we add a note to the book record. These book notes appear on checking out of a book and on return of the book. Students are being advised when we have notes about damage to the book they are borrowing.

Please be aware that we have many well-loved books that are in sad condition, but the students love them and we try to continue to circulate them as long as possible. The library staff is also aware that some of our books are not bound well and problems with bindings especially on paperback books are normal wear and tear.

However, sometimes accidents can happen when books are checked out to a student. Students should personally return any damaged book to the library as soon as possible. Parents are also welcome to attach a post-it note to a book that might have been accidentally damaged at home. We ask that no repairs be made by students or parents. Even taping torn pages is better left to our library staff.  

Damaged book fines are assessed based on the following policy:

Our policy for replacing a book is based on the fact that we know that books that have been damaged no longer have “shelf appeal” to our students. We often observe them picking up a previously damaged book from the shelves and replacing it because it no longer looks good.  Its’ checkout value is diminished.

A book with minor damage might have:  wrinkled pages, food stains, scribbles, ripped pages, damage to the cover and/or water damage on pages.

A book with heavy damage might have:  multiple areas of damage as noted above, as well as mold, chewed covers, damaged spines and/or any water damage to the spine area of a book.

If a book has minor damage, but can still be circulated, the fine is based on the age of the book.  A book which is 1- 2 years old will incur a fine of 20% of the current value of a new book. A book which is greater than 2 years old will incur a fine of 10% of the current value of a new book. ANY book which is less than 1 year old will be charged the current value of a new book.

When a book is heavily damaged or lost by a student, he/she is responsible to pay for the replacement cost of the book based on the current value of a new book. We do not want parents to purchase a replacement copy. A fine letter will be sent home with a student and the parent will be notified via email that the fine letter is coming home with their child. Payment must be received before the next Library Skills class period in order for the student to check out books.    

Books that were selected as part of our Birthday Book Club program during the current or previous school year will always be charged the full replacement value of the book for water and/or food damage.  These books were specifically selected by a student and we feel it is only respectful of their donation to make sure these books are kept damage free.

Please note:

Please contact the library staff if you ever have any questions about the condition of a book or our fine policy.