National CTE Month

CTE fosters the dynamic skills necessary for success and satisfaction in future careers!

CRY-ROP IS Career Technical Education!

CRY-ROP provides quality, hands-on career training programs in more than 40 high-demand career fields to assist high school students and adults in acquiring marketable job skills. Course content is validated by local business advisory committees, reflecting current industry standards, and approved by the ROP's Governing Board.

CRY-ROP works in collaboration with K12 school districts, adult education, community colleges, and workforce development. This collective approach ensures coordinated integration of academic and career preparation competencies connected to sequences, paths and postsecondary options leading to viable jobs. Secondary students can explore career options and apply academic skills to practical problems, enabling them to prepare for workplace or postsecondary training transition.

CTE increases graduation rates

"The average high school graduation rate in 2018 for CTE concentrators was 94%, compared to the national adjusted cohort graduation rate of 85%"

CTE provides necessary soft skills and hard skills

"Employers overwhelmingly say that the most valuable employee skills are soft or employability skills such as professionalism, team work, and written and oral communication"

CTE leads to higher


"Advanced CTE course-taking in high school is associated with earning higher wages. Workers see a 2% wage increase for each upp-level CTE course taken"

Middle School Parents- CTE & High School Registration Info

THMS Parent Workshop- HS Transition

Parents of Terrace Hills Middle School students were invited to join our Parent Info Night on Tuesday, February 8th. It is critical to educate families on the many options that are available at the high school, as well as the importance and benefits of Career Technical Education. Parents learned all about the difference between high school graduation requirements and the university entrance A-G requirements. Each of the 3 Linked-Learning Pathways were spotlighted in an effort to bring awareness to the tremendous work that our teachers and students are doing. ROP Student Ambassadors continue to highlight the employability and soft skills that they develop as members of each pathway.

Spanish Presentation

Los padres de estudiantes de la escuela Terrace Hills fueron invitados a unirse a nuestra Noche de Información para Padres el Martes, 8 de Febrero. Es fundamental educar a las familias sobre las muchas opciones disponibles en la escuela preparatoria, así como sobre la importancia y los beneficios de la Educación Técnica Profesional. Los padres aprendieron todo sobre la diferencia entre los requisitos de graduación de la escuela preparatoria y los requisitos A-G para ingresar a la universidad. Cada uno de los 3 senderos de aprendizaje se destacó en un esfuerzo por crear conciencia sobre el tremendo trabajo que están haciendo nuestros maestros y estudiantes. Los estudiantes embajadores de ROP continúan destacando la empleabilidad y las habilidades sociales que desarrollan como miembros de cada sendero.

Spanish Copy of THMS Parent Workshop- HS Transition