Career Pathways
CARE Pathway
The CARE Pathway is designed for students who want to pursue careers in the healthcare field. This series of courses allow students to take courses that are medically focused and after completion, students will either become Clinical Medical Assistants or they will be on their way to becoming an Emergency Medical Responder.
Check out these CARE Pathway Resources!
A.R.T.S Academy
Successfully completing the A.R.T.S. Academy helps prepare students for entering college and entry-level jobs by providing students with design skills and the initial frameworks for producing art. Students learn what it means to be creative, critical thinking, collaborators and communicators—what we call the Four “C”s.
Engineering Pathway
This pathway is designed so that students will be able to follow an engineering specific pathway. This is designed as a multi-year, comprehensive program that engages them through project based learning in the classroom. The students will have career exposure and practical applications in a real-world setting.