Be Internet Awesome

The Internet is an amazing resource! But, it has so much information that we all need to learn how to use it.  It is important to be smart, alert, strong, and kind to become digital citizens. 

Be Internet Smart 

Information travels fast, GOOD or BAD. So, we need to think smart about what we share. The things you share are public, so be careful with what you say or do. 

Be Internet Alert 

ALWAYS be aware of your situations. Internet safety is an important lesson to be taught because the internet has so much information, we need to know what is real and what is fake.  Be careful with sharing your information and watch out for SCAMS! If it says, "click here to win $1,000,000" DO NOT CLICK IT!

Be Internet Strong 

Keep your secrets safe. Make sure to not share your information with others; That includes strangers, and even friends.  Your information is personal, if it gets out it can damage your devices, your reputation and, your relationships. 

Be Internet Kind 

Spread positivity. It is easy to hide behind a screen and say whatever it is you want to, but we have to remember, we are still interacting with another person. What you say can affect them, so we need to be mindful of what we say, and to always treat others as you would like to be treated.

Remember! When in Doubt, Talk it out. 

Tell a trusted adult when you come across something questionable, and speak up if you notice bullying behavior. 

We all use the internet, let's do our part in keeping it a safe place to be.  

Welcome to Interland

Let's put our lessons into a challenge! Interland is an online adventure to being internet awesome.