Job Descriptions




Desire to serve the PTSO, the school, and ultimately the students • Understanding of the organization’s mission • Willingness to delegate tasks • Good listening skills • Effective communication skills


Held a previous board position (public or private) • Background check through school board • Current PTSO Board Member or active volunteer for at least 2 years • Current CJCP Parent


Preside at general PTSO meetings and executive board meetings • Serve as the primary contact to the principal and represent the PTSO at meetings of other groups, if needed •  Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees • Retain all official records of the PTSO

Typical Monthly Tasks:

Prepare for and lead the executive and general meetings • Review the treasurer’s report • Have regular check-in meetings with the principal • Thank volunteers for their efforts

Typical Annual Tasks:

Finalize the activities calendar with the principal • Set the schedule of monthly general & executive board meetings for the year • Hold a committee chair orientation • Update the signature cards at your bank • Double-check key organizational dates (401c) • Determine which officer and committee chair positions might need to be filled next year, and reach out for volunteers.


The Vice President shall assist and act as an aide to the President, and preside at meetings in the absence of the president or upon the president's inability to serve. The Vice President shall assume duties of the president in the event of a vacancy until the position is filled in accordance with the bylaws. Participates in discussions and decision-making.


The Treasurer shall receive all funds of the organization, keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, and pay out funds in accordance with the approval of the executive board. He/she will present a financial statement at every meeting and other times of the year when requested by the executive board, and make a full report at the end of the year. The treasurer will deposit money in the PTSO Operating Account.


The Fundraising Coordinator shall research and present ideas to the PTSO board to help fundraise for items needed at CJCP, and is responsible for the implementation of fundraising events/activities throughout the school year and over the summer.


The secretary shall keep all records of the organization, take and record minutes, prepare the agenda. The secretary is also responsible for creating report templates. Keep a copy of the minutes book, bylaws rules and membership list. Create Google Forms for registrations, signups, memberships, etc. 


Regularly update and maintain the PTSO website, including the website layout, the individual pages, the navigational structure and the images.  Create digital fliers or posters for PTSO events and fundraisers.


The Committee Member will be there for events, or to assist in pre-event tasks. Our requirements are dependent on the event, and could involve any of the following tasks: setup/breakdown, purchasing materials, or helping to manage volunteers and/or attendees.

As PTSO, you never work alone, you always have the support of other Members. 

All these positions require commitment and limited responsibilities, including: