15 August 2024

Back to School 

Following the announcement by the Government of Sindh, school will commence after the summer break immediately after Independence Day. We look forward to seeing the students again!

16 & 17 July 2024

School Offices Closed

School offices will remain closed on account of Ashura as announced by the Government of Sindh.

9 July 2024

Camel Ride 

Baadal the camel is visiting the school for the Summer Camp. Baadal is offering free camel rides to all students visiting in school uniform between 9.30 am and 1.30 pm. Parents may accompany their children on the camel :)

1 July 2024


The school will supply notebooks to the students during the first week of school. Parents may choose not to receive this service from the school and may purchase notebooks from the market. Parents wishing not to purchase the notebooks may return the unopened packet to the school within one week of receipt. The school will refund any amount collected in the invoice for September 2024.  

The cost of notebooks is expected to rise in line with the extraordinary inflation in the country and is expected to exceed Rs 6,000 for most classes. The school will collect this amount in two installments, Rs 3,000/- in July and the balance in September 2024.

8 June - 7 July 2024

School Offices Closed

School offices will remain closed for a month. The Reception will accept applications but will respond to them from 8 July 2024. Parents may note the following dates:

4 June 2024

Exam Results and Book Bazaar

Grades 6 - 8, 9C & 10C

Results will be announced in respective classrooms after the morning assembly at 8 am. Students may subsequently participate in a book bazaar held in the Quad, where they can sell or purchase second-hand text books from or exchange story-books with each other. Home time for students will be 9.30 am. 

1 June 2024


Parent-Teacher Meeting and Book Bazaar

Preschool - Grade 5

Parents invited

Parents are requested to attend the meeting in the following order:

8:30 - 9:15 Rumi House

9:30 - 10:15 Newton House

10:30 - 11:15 Mandela House

Students may accompany their parents in full school uniform. Parents are requested to please park their vehicles inside the school premises (entrance is through gate 4).

A book bazaar will be held from 8.30 to 11.30 am. Course books can be sold and purchased but story books may only be exchanged. 

28 May 2024

School Closed

School will remain closed in compliance with the holiday on 28 May 2024 announced by the Prime Minister's office. 

Furthermore, the Aga Khan University Examination Board has rescheduled exams planned for the date to Wednesday, 29 May 2024.  

26 May 2024

German Olympiads

Civilizations won the German Olympiad this year after winning the German Spelling Bee in November 2023. Abdullah Farhan of 10C will now proceed to Germany to participate in the international Olympiad in July 2024. 

Abdullah Farhan  started with his German in grade 9 and has since excelled in it. He is also known to be a talented and diligent student. He made his mark in the school by playing the role of the beloved Butler in The Play that Goes Wrong that was performed in by the school in Spring of 2023.  

The school will be rooting for Abdullah to win the Olympiad in Germany. We hope he has fun doing so. 

27 May 2024

The Party at the End of the Year

Grades 6 - 8, 9C & 10C

Students will attend in school in casual clothes and will hold a party in their classrooms to celebrate the end of the year. 

24 May 2024

Youth Camp in Germany

Fareah Irfan of 10C is the second of the two students selected by Civlilizations Public School to proceed to the three-week youth camp in Germany. She  will join students from all over the world for the camp and will attend classes to further her German language skills. 

Fareah has studied German in school since grade 6. She has displayed an enthusiasm for German but has also excelled in other subjects. As imhttps://sites.google.com/civi.edu.pk/applicants-tablet-8/homeportant a contribution to her class has been her calm demeanour and a deep intellect.  

Boarding, lodging, training and travelling costs are free for Fareah. The school wishes her well in the camp and in life. 

23 May 2024

Youth Camp in Germany

Maryam Hasnat of grade 11C is one of the two students selected by Civlilizations Public School to proceed to the three-week youth camp in Germany. Maryam will join students from all over the world for the camp and will attend classes to further her German language skills. 

Maryam was a late-comer to German, starting her lessons as late as grade 9. However, she built up her proficiency not only in the language but also shown bright in other subjects. She played a central  role in "The Play that Goes Wrong" last year, and put in a memorable performance. 

Boarding, lodging, training and travelling costs are free for Maryam Hasnat. The school wishes her well in the camp and in life. 

21 May - 24 May 2024

Change in Home-time

 Preschool to Grade 9

In response to the impending heat-wave, home-time for various classes will be the following from 21 May 2024:

Preschool 12 noon

Grades 1-3 12 noon

Grades 4&5 11.20 am

Grades 6-9 10.40 am 

21 - 24 May 2024

Fun Week

Grade 4 & 5

Activities include Pirate Ship, Memory Collage, Scavenger Hunt, a culinary class, movie with pop corn, indoor and outdoor games and a talent show. And end-of-the-year party will be held on 24 May 2024 for which light summer home clothes are allowed. 

From 21 May 2024, home-time for grades 4 & 5 will be 11.20 am.

14 May 2024

Typhoid Vaccine

The Typhoid Vaccination Team will visit the school on 14 May 2024. All students present on the school premises will be innoculated. Parents wishing for their children to receive the innoculation must ensure attendance tomorrow.  

The vaccination team visited the school unannounced today to innoculate some of the students. The school is lodging a protest with the relevant department. 

15 May 2024

Financial Aid Forms

Financial aid forms are available at the reception from this date. A receipt of May fee is required for the issue of the form.  

2 June - 4 July 2024

Summer Camp

The summer camp is here again. It is open to students of Civilizations as well as other schools. Please check out the details here

15 May 2024


Term Exams

Grades 6 - 10

Term exams will commence on various dates starting 15 May 2024 for grades 6 - 8 and for grades 9C and 10C. Syllabi and timetables have been uploaded on Google Classroom. Home time during term exams will be 11 am for these classes. 

16 - 22 May 2024

Fun Week

Preschool - Grade 3

The last week of the year is Fun Week at the Junior School. This will include a mix of buggy rides, movies with popcorn, pizzas, and sprinkler and pool activities, the details of which will be posted in Google Classroom. A Year End Party will be held on 22 May 2024 for which light summer clothes are requested (they might get wet!).

Home time for 20 - 22 May 2024 will be 12 noon. 

23/25/28 May - 6 August 2024


Summer Vacations

Summer Vacations for various classes are as follows:

Preschool and Grades 1-3 23 May 2024 - 6 August, 2024

Grades 4 - 5 25 May 2024 - 6 August, 2024

Grades 6 - 10 28 May 2024 - 6 August 2024

The preschool and grades 1-5 will hold a parent-teacher meeting on 1 June 2024. Results will be handed to the students of grade 6 - 10  (parents are not expected) on Tuesday,  4 June 2024. 

School will reopen after vacations for all grades on Wednesday, 7 August 2024.

Enjoy the summer!

May 2024

Typhoid Vaccine

The Government of Sindh commenced their typhoid vaccine campaign this month. Under the campaign, shots will be administered to students up to 15 years of age. On a date to be advised to the school, the team will look to innoculate all students enrolled in the school. 

The school will post any further advise from the Government of Sindh on this tablet. 

10 May 2024


Science Exhibition

Grade 8

A science exhibition will display projects put together by students of grade 8. The exhibition is open to the students and staff of the school. 

19  April 2024


Germany Universities

University education is free in Germany.  Civilizations teaches German to its students so they can access these universities. 

First year students Zain Siddiqui, Fatima Baig and Zain Anwer (all studied at Civilizations) are pictured above at Technical University of Munich at Ingolstadt, Germany. Siddiqui and Baig passed their O Levels from Civilizations in subjects including advanced languates (German, English and Urdu) and Additional Mathematics. 

These students meet all of their living expenses from part time work. Fatima Baig is studying Artificial Intelligence and is a teaching assistant to her Mathematics professor. Zain Siddiqui is studying automation of motor vehicles and is working in retail sales. Zain Anwer is studying computer science. Civilizations is in direct contact with companies in Germany in order to arrange paid internship for these students in computer science, computer hardware development or in the automobile sector.  

7 & 9 May 2024

Tuesday and Thursday

The Trip to Magnifiscience Centre

Grades 5 - 7

Students of grades 5-7 will  proceed to Magnifiscience Centre and return by  home time. Parents are requested to pack a lunch in the students' bags. 

Grade 6 & 7 will proceed to the centre on Tuesday, 7 May while grade 5 will visit on Thursday, 9 May 2024. 

The trip is not mandatory. Parents opting to send their children on the trip are requested to provide their consent here and to send Rs 800/- per child to their classteacher. Of this amount, Rs 700/- will be utilized for their tickets whereas the balance for related costs including, but not limited to, paying for classmates who cannot. 

4 May 2024


School on Saturday

School will remain open on Saturday to compensate for an unscheduled holiday last week. The timetable for Wednesdays will be followed. 

 7-9 May 2024


School Trip: MagnifiScience Centre

Grades 5- 7

Grades 5- 7 will visit the Magnifiscience Centre near I I Chundrigar Road and will return to school by 2.00 pm. Students are advised to please pack a large lunch and water in a small backpack. The dates for individual classes are as follows:

Grade 5: 8 May

Grade 6: 7 May

Grade 5: 6 May

1 May 2024


School Closed

School will remain closed following the announcement by the Government of Sindh on account of Labour Day.

29 April - 5 May 2024

Polio Drops

A Polio Vaccination Team will visit the school during the above period to administer drops to enrolled students under 5 years of age. Parents may note that the school is required to provide record of enrolled students to the team. 

23 April 2024


School Closed

School will be closed following the announcement by the Government of Sindh. Online classes will be conducted on the day as announced. 

23 April 2024


Online School

 Online classes will be held for the school day lost to unscheduled holiday announced by the Government of Sind for Tuesday, 23 April 2024.

We will follow the Tuesday timetable.

Playgroup 9 - 10 am

Nursery & Kindergarten     8 - 10 am

Grades 1 - 5     8 am - 1.20 pm 

Grades 6 - 10                  8 am - 2 pm 

Detailed instructions are provided in Google Classroom.

22 April - 3 May 2024

Revision Classes 

Grade 9b & 10b

 Revision classes for AKU 9 & 10 will be held from Monday, 22 April 2024 to Friday, 3 May 2024. Regular school hours will be followed. Students will attend classes in full school uniforms.

3 April 2024

Urdu Debate

Grades 6 - 9C

The event will be held with the morning assembly. 

4 - 14 April 2024

Eid Holidays

School will remain closed for Eid Holidays and will reopen on Monday, 15 April 2024. The school wishes the students and teachers Eid Mubarak!

5 April 2024


Mock Results

Grades 9B, 10B, 10C and 11C

Results for Mock Exams may be collected from 8.30 am to 9.30 am. Students may meet their teachers to discuss their results and their graded exams. 

27 March 2024

Academic Options in the Senior School

The school has reformulated its academic offering in grades 8-11. Please click here to read more about the subjects offered. 

18 March 2024


"It is I who polishes your stones to mirror" 

The February issue of Roshnai, the student magazine from Civilizations, has been published. To view it, click here

Roshnai Autumn 23: "You made the night, I the lamp"

Roshnai Spring 23: "I've scribed the law of the greening the desert (lo, every thorn has drunk my blood)"