City Business
The Richlawn City Council meets on the third Monday of each month at 6:30pm at Old National Bank on the corner of Hubbards Lane and Shelbyville Road (Check the Monthly Meeting Agenda below for confirmation of meeting location). Richlawn residents are encouraged to attend, either in person or virtually. Residents who wish to speak will have that opportunity during the first 10-15 minutes of the meeting.
Monthly Meeting Agenda and Online Meeting Link
2023 to present Meeting Minutes
The property tax rate is approximately $0.114 per $100 of assessed property value based upon the Jefferson County assessment. Click here for detailed Tax Information
In addition to property tax revenue, funds are also accrued by the City from the State’s Municipal Aid Road Fund. MARF is derived from a percentage of the taxes that we all pay on gasoline and have been earmarked for future use in road repair and similar endeavors. Investments maintained by the City yield sufficient return to provide us with a financial structure allowing the completion of special projects, such as paving of Richlawn’s streets, without raising taxes or imposing special assessments.
A 5% insurance premium tax is charged and collected by your insurance company on auto, home and life insurance policies. PLEASE BE SURE TO INFORM YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY/AGENT THAT YOU LIVE IN THE CITY OF RICHLAWN SO YOUR TAX DOLLARS COME BACK TO RICHLAWN AND NOT THE CITY OF LOUISVILLE.
Included in the property tax is weekly curbside collection of solid waste and every other week for recyclables.
Richlawn Gazette - The Richlawn Gazette is a quarterly publication that is delivered to each household in the neighborhood. You can see past issues in the section below.
Resident Handbook - The Resident Handbook is updated every two years and distributed to each household. See the Leadership page to request a copy. To update your information, use this form
Texting & Email - To be included on the Richlawn Text & Email Notification system, add your information using the form at We will NEVER use your personal information for anything other than Richlawn City business.
Construction Review, Parking Regulations, and more can be found on the Ordinances & FAQ page.