Individual Record of Learning

Using the Individual Record of Learning

This section has various templates for the Individual Record of Learning (IRL). The best way of sharing the IRL with your students is through Google Classroom. This is simpler as you can set it for all of your class simultaneously without knowing their email addresses. They can also complete it before the course starts.

Recommended method: Sharing the IRL through Google Classroom

You can share the IRL with your students through Google Classroom in one of two ways:

  • Post the IRL as a material

Download the IRL in Word (link below) to your computer. Go to your Google Classroom. Choose Classwork then Create- Material - Add - File. You can then upload the IRL in Word from your computer. Students download it to their own computer, complete it and email it back to you.

  • Set the IRL as an Assignment.

This is a little more advanced but is a better option as students can upload their responses back to Google Classroom. Students complete the IRL as a simple form, or as a quiz. Details of how to post the IRL as an assignment are below, including brief videos.

Emailing the IRL

If you don't want to use Google Classroom, you can download the IRL in Word (see below) to your computer and then you/your department can email it to your students. The students will need to email it back to you.

If you are a tutor in the Writing Department, there is a special template for your students. Click on the this link:

How to copy and download the IRL template as a Word document

To download the IRL template as a Word Document to your computer:

Click on the button to open the document. It may need expanding, or it may open fully.


If it needs expanding:

Click on the 3 dots at the top of the screen, click on ‘Open in new window’, then on ' Download'


If the document is fully open, Click on the 'File' menu, then choose 'Download'.

Save the document to your computer

You will need to copy and paste in the learning outcomes from the course outline on the website to your IRL .

If you want to share the IRL as a Word document, you can simply upload it to Google Classroom as a material under 'Classwork' - create - material - add- file. Your students, however, will not be able to fill it in online. They will need to download it, complete the form, and email it back to you.

To enable your students to complete the form online, follow directions for setting the form as an assignment below.

How to set the IRL as a simple assignment in Google Classroom

Read the instructions carefully, and/or follow the videos on the right.

  • Log on to Google, go to Google Drive and find the folder in Drive marked 'Classroom'. Create a subfolder called 'IRL". (Detailed guidance about using Google Drive is on this link: Google Drive )

  • Click on the IRL template in Word above, open a it as a Google Doc (Google will ask you if you want to do this at the top of the document ), add your learning outcomes, then save it in your new IRL folder in Drive.

  • Go to your Classroom. Choose the Classwork tab, then Create - Assignment - Add - Google Drive. Upload the IRL. Select ‘make a copy for every student’. Set the topic title as ‘Individual Record of Learning + course code’. Then click Assign.

  • Ask your students to go to Classwork, find the IRL as a topic, click on the document, complete the relevant sections, then click Turn In

  • Whenever the tutor/student needs to update the IRL, they just click on the topic title and go to the IRL (each student has their own copy).

Double click to enlarge the videos

How to set the IRL as a Quiz in Google Classroom

Setting the IRL as a quiz is very useful. You can see individual responses. Additionally Google will create

a summary of answers in chart form

a spreadsheet listing all your students' answers which you can use as your Group Profile.

To use the Google Form (Quiz) version of the IRL below, you must make a copy and save the copy to your own Google Drive first before editing. Otherwise any changes you make will be saved in the template here and other people won't be able to use it.

Below we explain how. Read the instructions carefully, and/or use the brief videos showing you how to complete each stage. Double click to enlarge each video.

Sharing the IRL Quiz with your students

A. Make a copy of the the IRL templates

  1. Using Google Chrome (or any browser except Explorer), log in at and then into Google. This way you will be able to view the Google Forms.

  2. Click on the IRL templates above

  3. When each template is opened, click on the three dots menu (top right, next to Send) > Make a copy

  4. Save to My Drive > Classroom > Your course's Google Classroom

  5. Create a subfolder called IRL. Save the templates there.

What your screen looks like: Making a copy and saving it in My Drive;

B. Populate and share your IRL Quiz on Google Classroom

  • Open the new versions of the IRLs from your Google Drive and edit them. Add the learning outcomes by copying and pasting from the website.

  • Go to your Google Classroom. Go to the Classwork tab, then Create - Assignment - Add.

  • Find the IRL for the start of the course in your Google Drive and upload it. Set the topic title as ‘Individual Record of Learning + course code’. Then click Assign.

  • Ask your students to go to Classwork, find 'Individual Record of Learning' as a topic , click on the quiz, complete the relevant sections, then click Submit or Turn In.

  • Create the IRL quiz for the end of the course in the same way at the appropriate time.

C. Find and save the responses to your IRL Quiz

  • To see students' responses, go to the original IRL form in your Google Drive (you can't see their responses in Google Classroom). Click on the tab at the top called 'Responses'. Google gives you the option of seeing individual responses or a summary in charts. If you click on the green icon in the top right hand corner, you can also see all the students' answers as a spreadsheet. This you can use as your Group Profile (RARPA)

  • You can give your students feedback too - find the student's response in Classroom and you will see a box to do this with.

  • There is more on creating quizzes in Google Classroom elsewhere - follow the link below.