Fast Fashion

Finding Out

Duringe Finding Out stage, we thought about our Lines of Inquiry that would guide our research. I chose Perspective, Connection, and Responsibility. Then we did research, I made a survey, and we recorded everything. Every week we wrote a few pages. We also reflected on our process.

An inquiry into...
people's perspectives toward buying things

Key Concept:

My guiding questions

  • What are people’s attitudes towards buying things?

  • What causes people to buy a lot of things? How have perspectives changed over time?

  • How is helpful/harmful?

An inquiry into...
the impact of fast fashion in the community

Key Concept:

My guiding questions

  • What causes people to buy a lot of things? How have perspectives changed over time?

  • How does fast fashion affect people locally, nationally, globally? How does fast fashion affect the environment?

  • Why should we care about reusing old clothing?

An inquiry into...
responsible production and consumption


My guiding questions

  • What is our responsibility as consumers?

  • What do we need to consider when we are buying things?

  • What actions can affect the environment?

Aubrey's Research Notebook

My Research Notebook

My Survey

Aubrey Week 2 Mini-Presentation.mp4

Week 2 Initial Findings Presentation

Aubrey Week 3 Reflections.mp4

Week 3 Reflections