Project Details

Building Knowledge

Students were assigned one of 30 different videos from Al Jazeera's 101 East channel. After watching the video, which highlights a current issue in China, students looked for another source that added a new perspective or made them think about the issue in a different way. Finally, as a means of sharing their topics with others, they participated in a lively round of inside/outside circles.

Choosing a Topic

After learning more about the project parameters and requirements, students listed their top three topics, then formed a team with a classmate interested in similar issues.


After creating an action plan, students used a variety of methods to gather primary and secondary research to support their understanding of their chosen issues. Time was spent reading relevant articles, watching videos, contacting organizations, and meeting with teachers one-on-one and in small groups.

Product Creation

Using the design cycle, students determined the specific need to be addressed and developed a digital solution. Students were given a large amount of freedom to chose a solution that aligned with a particular interest or skill, including digital drawing, app design, and video creation.

Charity Gala

The unit culminated in a charity gala, during which students showcased their products to "wealthy donors" (school staff), who were given 100 RMB to distribute to the projects of their choice. Students had complete creative freedom over the design and implementation of the gala, from room layout to music and refreshments.

The gala, which allowed students to present their work to an authentic audience, was a highlight for students and staff. Students spoke knowledgeably and passionately about their causes, and teachers were impressed with the variety of topics and solutions.

Adding to the excitement, students received a surprise as Hong Kong Secretary of Education Kevin Yeung dropped by for a visit. He spent some time speaking with students about their projects. See article below for more details about Mr. Yeung's visit.

Article: Hong Kong Secretary of Education Kevin Yeung visits Charity Gala