Featured Projects


Amy and Ce Mi

Motivated to address the damage done by sexual violence, these students used inspiration from the #metoo movement to design three pieces of digital art, arranged to have these designs printed on tote bags, and sold their bags to members of the community. The girls, connected by their Korean heritage, then donated the proceeds from their tote bag sales (over 3000 RMB in the first week alone) to Korea Women's Hotline, an organization that provides various services to victims of sexual abuse.

"I started creating digital art from absolute zero knowledge to learning new techniques throughout the way, which helped me go out of my comfort zone and try new, unfamiliar styles of art."-Amy

"Hong Kong Housing Crisis: A LEGO stop-motion video"

Caitlin and Allyson

Determined to better understand the notoriously squalid living conditions amongst Hong Kong's lower class citizens, these girls produced a stop-motion video explaining the connection between the city's land use policies and the extortionate cost of housing. A passion for LEGOs encouraged them to make a unique stop-motion video explaining the issue using toy building blocks. They used answers to their questions obtained through interviews with social welfare organizations to write a script that was clear and interesting.

"Ricky to the Rescue: A Children's Book about Deforestation"

Karin and Grace

Seeking to better understand the harmful societal effects of deforestation and communicate the issue in a captivating manner, these students used their extensive research to create an engaging story for children age 3-5. They spent countless hours after class developing digital drawing skills before creating illustrations for the story. They completed an extensive comparison of printing companies before ordering an initial print run of 20 copies. Finally, after selling out of their initial stock, they sought out feedback, made various edits, and completed another (larger) print run.

"I think that it was a good experience for me as I realised the importance of choosing a topic I am passionate about"-Karin

"Mental Health"

Angel and Chih-rong

These students chose to research the issue of mental health amongst teenagers. They found that the stigma surrounding mental illness prevents many people from seeking help, so their campaign was based around the idea of lessening the cultural taboo. Combining watercolor images and poetry they wrote, they produced child and adult versions of a book to spread awareness. They further explained their purpose in a short video.

Mental Health Awareness.mp4

"Helping the Helpers"

Katia and Isabella

Inspired by the unique and meaningful relationships with their helpers, Katia and Isabella learned about critical issues concerning the mistreatment of many of Hong Kong's domestic workers. In an effort to create a sense of shared humanity, their solutions involved creating an uplifting video showcasing helpers and their employers dancing to a piece choreographed purposefully by the girls.

Katia and Isabella - Domestic Workers.mov
"Not only was it the first time we were able to contact a legitimate organization and partner up with them, we were also able to sell items and donate all the profits to the organization! This experience made me really engaged and eager to do more, not because I had to, but because these experiences don’t come very often, and to help with an issue I care deeply about makes all the work worthwhile.[...]I felt that the charity gala was such a fun and great experience as it allowed us to think quick on our feet, and practice our communication skills."-Katia

"I Can Change" - A campaign against teenage substance abuse

Raymond and Maxime

Raymond and Maxime elected to learn more about the topic of underage drinking in Hong Kong. They conducted meticulous research about the causes and effects of alcohol consumption by minors, and worked collaboratively to come up with solutions to spread awareness about the issue in a way that resonated with their peers. Their product was an informational campaign that involved social media and a “confessional”-style video. They also created an uplifting slogan and logo which they printed on silicon bracelets and sold to the community, with proceeds going to the KELY support group in Hong Kong. The bracelets were a big hit, selling out quickly, and their campaign was widely successful.

Maxime and Ray explaining their project at the charity gala

"Stop the Hunt!"

Mia and Veda

Determined to highlight the the issue of illegal animal trade and the abused involved in this industry, Mia and Veda set out to spread awareness by raising money for TRAFFIC, an organization that, according to their website, works to "eradicate illegal trade and transition towards a sustainable future for wildlife." The girls worked tirelessly to create a children's book, complete with a fictional account of the issues and colorful accompanying images, as well as keychains with characters from the book. They sold dozens of each, raising more than 1600 RMB for TRAFFIC in just a few weeks.

stop the hunt!!.pdf
A bilingual children's book intended to highlight abuses in the animal trade industry