November 9, 2019
Creating the Future of Learning
Futuristic Thinking, Failure, Fear, and Risk-taking
On 9 November 2019, Chinese International School hosted the Apple Distinguished Educators (ADE) Conference, Create the Future of Learning: Futuristic Thinking, Failure, Fear, and Risk-taking - the first of its kind. Thank you to everyone who presented and attended. It was a huge success. Check out the video for a sneak peak of the fun that happened.
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- How do you inspire others?
- How do you create opportunities for your students to be thinkers and doers?
- What opportunities do you create for your learners to learn about failure, fear, and risk-taking?
Registration is now closed due to maximum capacity.
Keynote & Workshop Presenter: Carl Hooker
Carl Hooker has been a part of a strong educational shift with technology integration since becoming an educator. During his 21 years in education, he has had a wide range of roles, from teacher to Virtualization Coordinator to Director of Innovation. Through all that, he’s always had one common belief – the kids need to drive their own learning. He realizes the challenges in our current educational institutions and meets them head on.
As Director of Innovation and Digital Learning at Eanes ISD, Carl has helped spearhead the launch the LEAP program (Learning & Engaging through Access and Personalization), which put one-to-one iPads in the hands of all K-12 students in his 8000-student district. His unique blend of educational background, technical expertise, and humor make him a successful driving force for this change.
Carl has recently authored a 6-part book series titled Mobile Learning Mindset. These books focus on a different stakeholder and the role they play in a successful mobile learning initiative. Aside from his work as an author and district leader, Carl also works as a keynote speaker and consultant through his company, HookerTech, LLC, as well as an advisor with multiple ed tech start-up companies. He’s been named Tech & Learning Magazine’s Leader of the Year and is a member of the Apple Distinguished Educator class of 2013.
Follow him on twitter @mrhooker and his blog:
Opening Keynote:
Are We Ready To Be Future Ready?
Trying to predict the future can be a tricky thing, especially with education. We’ve played it safe for decades and continued the factory-model and one-size fits all approach to teaching to survive instead of thrive. Times are always changing and technology is as unpredictable as anything. However, there are some skills and traits we can help our students with to make them more successful in the future and we might not have to overhaul education to make it happen. In this interactive talk, we’ll discuss ideas, tools, and strategies to prepare our students for the unpredictable future.
Closing Keynote:
Using Failure and Risk-taking to Open Doors to Creativity
Failure is often treated as a bad word in education yet so many of the creator inventors and creators of our time often failed miserably multiple times in life. Failure and risk-taking are a part of the learning process. During this interactive keynote session, we’ll learn what barriers we create to stifle creativity and how to overcome them, as well as take a few risks ourselves. It’s not how you fall down, it’s how you get back up!