The full 45 minute 

"STOMP out Loud" 1996 Movie

"STOMP started out as two "buskers" on the streets of Brighton. Busking is the British term for a street performance where people are encouraged to stop, listen and watch. It is a very old custom, dating back to booth theaters erected at village fairs in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The street busker of today also echoes back to the wandering minstrel of the medieval fair. Thus, it seems that STOMP's roots are in theatre, but can it really be called "theater"?

The entire show is highly choreographed, interweaving dance into all of its aspects. In STOMP, there is a symbiotic relationship between dance and music. The music is created within the dance, but the dance itself is dependent on the music for its rhythm and character. STOMP shows a true marriage of movement and music, where both create and enhance each other. "  

exerpt from the STOMP Study Guide          

Below you will find the full show in 7 parts + videos. 

Stomp Live - Part 1 - Brooms.mp4

Part 1: Brooms - Stomp Live Part 2 Matchsticks.mp4

Part 2: Matchsticks - Stomp Live Part 3 Just clap your hands.mp4

Part 3: Clap Hands

Stomp Live - Part 4 - Little Brooms & Hosepipes.mp4

Part 4: Little Brooms

Stomp Live - Part 5 - Dishwashers are crazy..mp4

Part 5: Dishwashers

Stomp Live - Part 6 - Dance & Fight.mp4

Part 6: Shields

Stomp Live - Part 7 - Pranksters _).mp4

Part 7: Pranksters - STOMP Basketball_360p.mp4

Basketball - Rain Dance Stomp Out Loud_360p.mp4

Rain Drums