
Graphs and Their Vietoris-Rips Complexes Have the Same Pseudotopological Weak Homotopy Type

Abstract: In this document, we propose a bridge between the graphs and the geometric realizations of their Vietoris Rips complexes, i.e. Graphs, with their canonical Čech closure structure, have the same homotopy type that the realization of their Vietoris Rips complex.

Last version: Jun 2024. (Submitted)

Semi-coarse Spaces: Fundamental Groupoid and the van Kampen Theorem

Abstract: In algebraic topology, the fundamental groupoid is a classical homotopy invariant which is defined using continuous maps from the closed interval to a topological space. In this paper, we construct a semi-coarse version of this invariant, using as paths a finite sequences of maps from Z1 to a semi-coarse space, connecting their tails through semi-coarse homotopy. In contrast to semi-coarse homotopy groups, this groupoid is not necessarily trivial for coarse spaces, and, unlike coarse homotopy, it is well-defined for general semi-coarse spaces. In addition, we show that the semi-coarse fundamental groupoid which we introduce admits a version of the Van Kampen Theorem.

Last version: Apr 2024.

Universal Coverings for Limit and Pseudotopological Space

Abstract: Limit and Pseudotopological spaces are two generalizations of topological spaces which are defined by indicating what filters converge under some axioms. In this article, we introduce covering spaces and set forth some necessary conditions for a construction for a universal covering space.

Last version: Mar 2024.

A Second Homotopy Group for Digital Images

Abstract: We define a second (higher) homotopy group for digital images. Namely, we construct a functor from digital images to abelian groups, which closely resembles the ordinary second homotopy group from algebraic topology. We illustrate that our approach can be effective by computing this (digital) second homotopy group for a digital 2-sphere.

Joint with Gregory Lupton, Oleg Musin, Nicholas A. Scoville, and P. Christopher Steacker. arXiv:2310.08706. Last version: Oct 2023. (Submitted)

Semi-coarse Spaces

Abstract: We begin the study the algebraic topology of semi-coarse spaces, which are generalizations of coarse spaces that enable one to endow non-trivial `coarse-like' structures to compact metric spaces, something which is impossible in coarse geometry. We first study homotopy in this context, and we then construct homology groups which are invariant under semi-coarse homotopy equivalence. We further show that any undirected graph G=(V,E) induces a semi-coarse structure on its set of vertices VG, and that the respective semi-coarse homology is isomorphic to the Vietoris-Rips homology. This, in turn, leads to a homotopy invariance theorem for the Vietoris-Rips homology of undirected graphs.

Joint with Antonio Rieser. Last version: Jul 2023. (Submitted)