Perspective: Interactions mediated by atoms, photons, electrons, and excitons

Our Perspective Article on Mediated Interactions in Quantum Gases appears on the Arxiv. This includes a pedagogical introduction to this topic: from perturbation theory to a path-integral formalism. 

Polarons go hard-core! 

Moroni's second manuscript for his PhD has been accepted by the New Journal of Physics! This time in collaboration with Dr. S. Castillo. 

Lattice Polaron in a Bose-Einstein Condensate of Hard-Core Bosons

Intercavity polaritons: They're not from here, and they're not from there.

Our manuscript Intercavity polariton slows down dynamics in strongly coupled cavities is now in Nature Communications in which we spatially segregate the matter and photon component of polaritons! 

Intercavity polariton slows down dynamics in strongly coupled cavities

Etic-Tlahuilli: Polariton School 

It's coming: Our Polariton Summer School for graduate and undergraduate students will take place from June 3rd to June 6th!

Our project on theory for 'Strongly Interacting Photonic Fluids' has been awarded the Ciencia de Frontera grant from CONAHCYT with Prof. Miguel Bastarrachea from UAM-I

Polaritons in the ultra strong light-matter coupling regime in the presence of resonant matter interactions form strongly correlated trion-polaritons. 

Check out our theory collaboration with the group of Miguel Bastarrachea.

Polaritons and the universal properties of the polaron in our newest manuscript:

Polaritons for testing the universality of an impurity in a Bose-Einstein condensate

First Polariton Workshop: Talks by the groups of Carlos Silva (Georgia Tech), Huziel Sauceda (IF-UNAM), Miguel Bastarrachea (UAM-I), Diego Solis (IIM-UNAM), Daniel Finkelstein (IQ-IFUNAM), and local presence by  Giuseppe Pirruccio and Rebeca Díaz

Thanks to the efforts of the group of Quantum Fluids of Light - IFUNAM (Hugo Lara and César Ordoñez) 

Frenkel polaritons can realize the SSH model. In our theoretical proposal we study this model from a classical and quantum point of view.

See article Phys. Rev. B 107, 125407

Fading of Polaritons in the Continuum: Our collaboration with the groups of G. Pirruccio, H. Lara and C. Ordoñez gets published!