The Group

Arturo Camacho-Guardian

CV en español (actualizado a marzo 2024):

Assistant Professor in the Institute of Physics at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the research interests are the theoretical understanding of strongly correlated phases of light and matter in quantum many-body systems that range from ultra-dilute quantum gases to semi-conductor micro-cavities. 

Previously a postdoc in the group of Prof. Nigel Cooper (University of Cambridge) and before a postdoc at the CCQ  in Aarhus in the group of Prof. Georg Bruun. I did my undergraduate and graduate studies under the supervision of Prof. Rosario Paredes (UNAM). 

Moroni Santiago-Garcia

PhD student in co-supervision with Dr. Ricardo Ancheyta y Dr. Irán Ramos

Working in polaron physics with hard-core bosons, polariton physics and strongly correlated condensed matter physics.

Jose Santiago

Bachelor thesis: Josephson oscillations with polaritons

Brenda Garcia

Bachelor thesis: Polaritonic Anderson Localization

Jesús de la Fuente Bonfil

Servicio Social: Dispersión anómala de polaritones


Proyectos de Licenciatura, Maestría y Doctorado en temas de teoría para la materia cuántica disponibles. Incluyen

Estudiantes que deseen formar parte del grupo enviar correo a


Machine Learning y Sistemas Cuánticos de Muchos Cuerpos en colaboración con el grupo ML4Simulations del Dr. Huziel Sauceda

  Estudiantes graduados