Standards & Frameworks

"I learned that computer science is not just about syntax and coding. We make a difference in people's lives by developing applications ..." Kyle Rector

California Computer Science Standards

In August of 2018, the California State Board of Education approved the first ever Computer Science Standards. Click Here for details and resources to navigate through the standards. Click on the images below for the Computer Science Standards K-12 and the progression.

Computer Sci k12standards.xlsx

California Computer Science Standards K-12

This document contains the complete computer science standards for California - grades K-12.

California Computer Science Standards - Progression K-12

This document contains the progression of the computer science standards from Kindergarten through 12th grade.

Computer Sci progression chart.xlsx

SAMR Model

What is the SAMR model and how does it help you prepare lessons to effectively implement technology into the classroom? How do you transition from the Enhancing to Transforming lessons? Click on the video for a short explanation of SAMR.


How do we integrate the SAMR model with Bloom's taxonomy. How can we reach those higher order thinking skills with our students? Click Here for one sample with resources.

BLOOM'S Digitial Taxonomy Verbs

How do we move from the LOTS (lower-ordr thinking skills to the HOTS (higher-order thinking skills) in our lessons with our students? Click Here for one resource on the Bloom's Digital Taxonomy Verbs.

TPACK How can we blend content with technology with fidelity? How can we find the best mix of technology with content? TPACK organization may be a helpful resource for you.

ISTE Standards for Students

What do my students need to know in technology? How can I help make them successful using technology in the real world? Click Here for the ISTE Standards for Students.

ISTE Standards for Educators

What do I need to know in technology? How can I effectively use technology in my class? How can I help my students create with technology? Click Here for the ISTE Standards for Educators.

ISTE Standards for Administrators

Would you like to create a culture of innovation in the use of technology at your school site or district? Would you like to prepare your students for the world in the future? Click Here for the ISTE Standards for Administrators.

H.E.A.T. Framework

H.E.A.T. is about using technology to develop higher-order questioning and learner engagement through real-world connections. H.E.A.T. stands for Higher-order thinking, Engaged learning, Authentic connections, and Technology use. Click Here for the H.E.A.T. Framework. Click on the image to score your classroom technology integration.

L.o.T.i Famework

L.o.T.i is the Levels of Teaching Innovation a.k.a LoTi Framework focuses on the delicate balance between instruction, assessment, and the effective use of digital resources to promote higher order thinking, engaged student learning, and authentic assessment practices in the classroom. Click Here for the L.o.T.i. Framework details. Click on the image to find your classroom technology integration level.


Student protection is of the utmost importance. Laws govern the privacy and information sharing for our students. What can our district do? What is prohibited for our district? Click Here for the Link containing an overview.