Welcome to our

Distance Learning Site

This site will be updated regularly. Please check often for updates.

Thank you for visiting our Distance Learning site. Through this page we hope to connect with our students and families as we work together to get through this time of crisis. Stay safe and healthy.


May 17, 2021:

We are excited to announce that we will be having our Walk-Thru Eighth Grade Celebration on Wednesday, June 2, 2021. Students will be scheduled by SMART Class. Please click on the following links for more detailed information.



17 DE MAYO DEL 2021:

Nos complace anunciar que tendrémos una celebración para los estudiantes del octavo grado el miércoles, 2 de junio del 2021. Favor de ver la presentación de arriba para mas información.

APRIL 16, 2021:

We are excited to announce that we will be changing our schedule starting Tuesday, April 20, 2021, to allow students to attend school in person in the afternoons. New schedule and information has been shared with students via SMART class. Please note that all students will attend class via zoom in the morning, 8:00 am - 11:50 am. A presentation has been emailed to your child's school email. Please make some time this weekend to review the new schedule and our reopening plan. Thank you!


16 DE ABRIL DEL 2021:

Buenas noches. Este mensaje es de Huron Middle School. Nos complace anunciar que cambiaremos nuestro horario a partir del martes 20 de abril de 2021 para permitir que los estudiantes asistan a la escuela en persona por las tardes. Se ha compartido un nuevo horario e información con los estudiantes a través de la clase SMART. Tenga en cuenta que todos los estudiantes asistirán a clase a través del zoom en la mañana, de 8:00 am a 11:50 am. Se ha enviado una presentación al correo electrónico de su hijo. Tómese un tiempo este fin de semana para revisar el nuevo horario y nuestro plan de reapertura. Gracias.

MARCH 3, 2021:

This message is from Huron Middle School. We have the opportunity to offer small groups, or cohorts, by teacher for some in-person support. We ask that you take a few minutes to answer a short survey regarding student cohorts or pods. Please know that once the COVID-19 numbers decrease, and we get to the orange tier in Fresno County, we will send information regarding the plan to re-open school on a hybrid schedule. Meanwhile, we would like to know if you would be interested in your child participating in a cohort or pod, in-person, depending on availability. Please note that we have limited availability. Thank you.


3 DE MARZO DEL 2021:

Buenos días padres. Este mensaje es de Huron Middle School. Actualmente podemos ofrecer grupos pequeños, por maestro, para recibir apoyo en persona. Le pedimos que se tome unos minutos para responder una breve encuesta sobre grupos pequeños de estudiantes. Tenga en cuenta que una vez que disminuyan los números de COVID-19 y lleguemos al nivel naranja en el condado de Fresno, enviaremos información sobre el plan para reabrir la escuela en un horario híbrido. Mientras tanto, nos gustaría saber si estaría interesado en que su hijo participe en un grupo pequeño, en persona, según la disponibilidad. Tenga en cuenta que tenemos disponibilidad limitada. Gracias.


School year begins August 12, 2020 & Online classes start Tuesday, August 18, 2020

For students with no internet access, internet options will be available. Need to submit survey first!

Parent/Teacher appointments have been set up for the 1st three days of school, 8/12-8/14, 2020. A letter has been mailed home with more information and appointment details. Parents and students will receive information regarding our on-line learning plan and all necessary materials. First day of "Live Instruction" will be Tuesday, August 18, 2020.

How to Navigate the HMS Distance Learning Site by Mrs. Soto



School closure continues until further notice. Please see the update below from our Superintendent, Mrs. Lori Villanueva, as of April 2, 2020.

WE ARE CHUSD 2020 (Video)