Welcome CET Families

September 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope you had a wonderful summer and are staying safe and healthy. I am excited to start a new school year with you!

Although there are some things about this school year that may be different, I know that your child will continue to learn, grow and have fun.

Please check out this webpage for resources.

This year, I am happy to announce that I have an intern working with me. Her name is Kiera O'Connell. She is currently a student at LIU and will be graduating in the spring with her school psychology degree. She is excited to get to know your children!

You are an important part of your child’s success and therefore, I would like to maintain contact between school and home. I encourage you to keep in touch by emailing me at lauren.fitzgerald@chufsd.org with any concerns, comments or questions. I look forward to hearing from you!


Mrs. Fitzgerald

This website was created to help support children and families with social emotional and mental health matters when home from school.

Create a Visual Schedule for your child while at home

A great article from the Child Mind Institute

Here you will find more info for parents and children regarding COVID-19