Ideas for Family Fun

Activities for the Whole Family

  1. Bring out the board games
  2. Card games
    • Need new ideas for games? Here is a quick list to reference including game instructions
  3. Follow a Lego Challenge
  4. Take a virtual tour of a museum
  5. Bake something
  6. Write a letter/email to a different friend or family member everyday
  7. Race in the backyard
    • Try hopping on one foot, crabwalk, walking backwards
  8. Playdough
    • Play a game in which everyone tries to guess what the artist is making
    • Make stop motion animation videos
  9. Alternate who picks the movie for the family to watch together
  10. Origami (YouTube is a good resource for How-To Videos)
  11. Read to your pets
  12. Puzzles
  13. Organize a room
  14. Write a story cooperatively
    • Have one person develop the character, another choose the setting, and so on.
  15. Yoga
  16. Obstacle course using furniture
  17. Scavenger hunts, indoor treasure hunts where kids follow clues through the house to a "treasure" at the end (could be candy, a movie, whatever)
  18. Charades
  19. Do a study on planets, then have the kids create their own planets- how big is it, where in the universe is it located, atmosphere conditions, can it sustain life, how long is a day/year, name it, etc.
  20. Balloon ball
    • Don’t let the balloon hit the ground!
  21. Categories
    • One person suggests a category and everyone takes turns listing something that fits under that category. No repetitions allowed.
  22. Exercise
    • Follow a 15-30 minute video
    • Have each person suggest a different exercise (jumping jacks, sit-ups)
  23. Sound Ball
    • Everyone stands in a circle. One member begins by “throwing a sound” to another member in the group. That member must repeat the sound as they catch it and throw a new sound to someone else in the group.
  24. Take a deeper look at art and visit places around the world using Google Arts and Culture

Activities for the Younger Ones

  1. Have a mini dance party
  2. Printable dot-to-dot activity pages
  3. Pretend to host a cooking show as you make something together
  4. Shadow puppet show
  5. Use old cardboard boxes to make homes for dolls/action figures
  6. “Paint” the fence with water