Journal Prompts

Below are prompts to use to help your teen verbalize their thoughts and emotions. Parents are encouraged to use these prompt to help facilitate conversations with their teen. Some teens may prefer to express themselves through writing, while others may find it easier to just talk. Follow their lead and these prompts may lead to a longer discussion.

  1. Someone whose company I enjoy
  2. The best part about today
  3. A reason to be excited for the future
  4. A valuable lesson I learned...When did this happen?
  5. A fun experience I had...Who else was there?
  6. Someone I can always rely on is...They were there for me when...
  7. Something I can be proud of...
  8. Someone who I admire...and why?
  9. Something beautiful I saw...
  10. An unexpected good thing that happened...
  11. An experience I feel lucky to have had...
  12. Something I accomplished today...
  13. Something funny that happened this week...
  14. Today I smiled when...
  15. What is the best compliment you have ever received? Who did it come from? Why was it special?
  16. In your opinion, what is the best song ever written?
  17. If you could know one thing about the future, what would it be?
  18. What is your happiest memory?
  19. I get mad when… and when I am mad I…
  20. What calms you down when you get mad or upset? When was the last time you used this strategy?
  21. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
  22. Traits I want in a friend are...and why?
  23. What is one thing you can’t live without?
  24. If you could change one rule at school/home, what would it be and why?
  25. Where do you feel most safe and why?
  26. If you could travel back in time to three years ago and visit your younger self, what advice would you give yourself?
  27. What do you like most about yourself?
  28. Tell about a time you felt sad. What helped to make you feel better?
  29. Who is someone you consider a real-life hero and why?
  30. List 10 things that make you smile.
  31. What is something you have overcome?
  32. Write down words you need to hear right now.
  33. What does your best day look like?
  34. What would you like to be remembered for?
  35. List 15 songs that can help change your mood.
  36. List three things you would do if you weren’t afraid to try it.
  37. Write 10 things you are grateful for.
  38. What is a favorite memory from your childhood?
  39. What do you want your life to look like in five years? In ten years?
  40. How would you cheer up a friend who is sad? Tell about a time you used this skill.
  41. Talk about three of your personal strengths.
  42. What are three personal strengths of someone in your family?
  43. How did you meet your best friend?
  44. Describe a time in the past month that you were happy for someone else.
  45. Describe a relaxed/happy moment you had in the past week.
  46. How have you shown you cared about someone in the past month?
  47. Explain how someone has helped you in the past week.
  48. I feel best about myself when...Then tell about a time this happened.
  49. What is one of your pet peeves and why does it annoy you?
  50. What is a goal you have set for yourself and what is one thing you are doing to work towards that goal.