Messages from Current Staff and Governors

Nic Meredith

Lieber JohnIch kann es nicht glauben, dass eine Ära zu Ende geht. Du bist nicht nur ein ausgezeichneter Germanist, sondern auch einer der liebenswürdigsten und positivsten Menschen, die ich kenne. Nichts ist dir zu viel, nichts zu schwierig. Du nimmst jede Herausforderung an und deshalb bin ich mir sicher, dass du auch die nächste Phase in deinem Leben mit Bravour meistern wirst.Alles Liebe und Gute für die Zukunft – ich werd’ dich vermissen.

Clare Haffner

John Winter has ensured that the more classical cultural side to learning German has been kept alive at CHS. His love of the country and its literature have inspired many pupils over the years and his knowledge of German History has been invaluable on school trips. Trips will never be the same without him!

Rachel Wickes

What an inspirational teacher and colleague. He’s a great listener and master of his subject. I would like to have been taught by him myself and am full of regret that our collaboration has been so brief.

John Wilson

John has been an inspiration as a school master of the type that fantastic schools like ours need. He offers the same wonderful attention to detail to all that he does whether it is planning his German lesson, coaching cricket, analysing literature, preparing for the latest ISI inspection or just showing genuine interest in us all as individuals.
He has always been fully committed to his classroom teaching and unwavering in his thirst for further knowledge. He has fully embraced and championed the notion that what goes on in the classroom is just one piece of the learning jigsaw. He has always found time to offer advice and he also listens with a genuine open mind to the suggestions of others. We will miss you dearly in Modern Languages. Thank you for all you have done.

Judi Shand

I've worked with John for nearly 30 years and he has always been a huge inspiration to me. He has maintained his interest in languages and his enthusiasm for literature and shares it with both colleagues and students. He is fun, great company and a true professional. He takes time to listen to everybody and is so understanding when people have difficulties. His pride in his work and in his students was never more visible than at the ML debate this year when Flora and Rohan won! He was so excited and pleased for them. John has done some fascinating assemblies and talks over the years on Berlin that have held the students spellbound and it was wonderful to be able to print his article on 'Bridge of Spies' in The Waconian after he travelled to Scotland to meet one of the key players in the drama. The article he wrote had to be cut by about three quarters in fact! But it was so interesting. It was also a privilege to teach John's son Chris and to be his form teacher in the Sixth Form. Thank you for many years of friendship and I wish you every happiness in your retirement. Please keep in touch!

Kirsty Lowe

Dear John, I have loved working with you over the past couple of years and I can honestly say that CHS will not be the same without you. You have been such a great support to me and I will never forget the number of times I have walked out of your office after a coffee and a chat, and felt so much better about whatever was troubling me. You are such a genuine, kind and warm person and I will miss you greatly. I wish you a healthy and happy retirement (but I also look forward to seeing you back in school now and then!).Thank you so much.Kirsty x

Jemma Becker

Dear John,Although I am not a German teacher, I have always felt fortunate to work in the same Modern Languages department as you. I have loved chatting to you at ML events and hearing your words of wisdom at our meetings. I will always be grateful for your kindness and invaluable advice and support when I started off as a languages teacher, as in addition to your wider school role, you are a master of your pedagogical craft. You always champion and promote people’s hard work and ideas and make them feel truly appreciated. I was lucky enough to share an U6 extension class with you last year and feel honoured I had the opportunity to team-teach with you. I valued immensely your appreciation of lessons I organised, and was able to put myself in the shoes of one of your mesmerized students for the lessons you led where I never ceased to be impressed by your limitless knowledge of culture, language and history.
Thank you for everything you’ve done for CHS, it really won’t be the same without you! I always felt reassured and at ease after your briefings, even in stressful inspection periods and pre-lockdown, and your addresses during these most challenging times left me feeling inspired and positive. I always enjoyed chatting to you round school, and your smile and genuine care and interest always brightened my day. You are a genuinely lovely person who has the special ability to make others feel special and valued, and I will miss you around the school and the department very much, although I’m looking forward to seeing you when you come in to help set up the Languages SCITT hub! I wish you a wonderful retirement and hope you enjoy having more time to spend with your family and pursuing your many passions.Lots of love,Jemma x

Neil Smith

It is impossible for anyone who has ever worked with, been taught or coached by John not to have been overwhelmed by his professionalism, humanity, sense of humour and wisdom. From my first experience of working with him between 1996-2002, continued friendship with him after I left CHS, and in my second incarnation as a teacher at the School, I have counted myself immensely fortunate to have known and worked with him. Indeed one of the many draws of returning to the School in 2018 was the prospect of working with him again.
Although he wears this lightly, John brings considerable intellectual weight to the school. He has a genuine interest in ideas and the acquisition of knowledge, and he will happily spend hours explaining his love of Dickens, history and the role of German culture in shaping modern-day Europe. Alongside this, he models perfectly all that we expect of the school teacher: a deep interest and enthusiasm in one’s subject; a keen desire for pupil welfare; and a recognition of the value of a broad co-curricular contribution to school life.Outside of school, highlights of knowing John over the years have included raucous celebrations of his appointment of Head of Sixth Form, a dramatic and exuberant journey to Villa Park with a car full of CHS ‘Reds’ to watch United beat Arsenal in the 1999 FA Cup semi-final replay, and even dragging him along to a Manchester nightclub which all of us present knew we were a little too old to be frequenting.Above all, I have taken huge amount of pleasure from getting to know him, Fiona, Chris and Matt over the years and look forward to catching up with him in his well-deserved retirement.

Pauline Morris

What can I say about you John? Whatever I say won’t necessarily say everything that I would like to say, but here goes. I have known you since you first arrived at CHS as Head of German and worked closely with you as Head of Sixth Form and as Second Master/Senior Deputy. It has been my privilege to work alongside you throughout this time, and I can honestly say that I would not have wanted anyone else to take the place of Laurence other than you.
We have shared many moments over the years; good ones, bad ones, funny ones, both work and family related. You always listened to my rants (of which there have been a few) and never dismiss opinions even if they differ from yours, from myself or from other people. You are always totally professional and courteous to all, no matter what role held within the School community, always taking the time to thank and acknowledge any contributions made.The welfare of the students, the staff and CHS have always been at the forefront of your mind and actions throughout your time.You thoroughly deserve all the compliments and praise you will undoubtedly receive on your retirement because you are ein wahrer Gentleman (I really hope that’s right otherwise I’ll never hear the last of it!)Enjoy your retirement (even though it will be phased), spending more time with your grandchildren, your boys, Fiona and the rest of your family, not to mention the additional time you will have (in theory) to watch more cricket, watch more MUFC, spending time in the garden and your reading.Thank you. You have been a great boss and a good friend.

Ian Chippendale

Dear John, you have been a constant in time at CHS and I have been here over 20 years! You were a wonderful Head of Sixth Form (I remember your amazing “surname” speeches at the U6 Leavers’ Dinner!) and have been a caring and considerate 2nd Master and I appreciate so much all you have done to help the Chemistry Team.
You share with me I know that special feeling of having had our children here with us at School. Anna loved working with you on School Council with Connie and the rest of the team. I think she might hold you to that future meeting outside the Bridgewater Hall! And Andrew too of course worked with you.....I remember you coming over to me in the dining hall to tell me how impressed you were with Andrew’s interview.....those things do mean so much and really matter. We also share of course our love of cricket. I will miss our quick mutual checks on the score....although at the moment any cricket would be a good thing! If you want a companion to watch a match at Old Trafford just get in touch....I’ll be there.
I’m sorry that your retirement has coincided with Covid-19 and the massive disruption that has entailed. You have such humility that I know you would say that you would not have needed a big send off but I certainly feel you deserve one after all you have done for the School. Enjoy your summer John and most of all enjoy a more stress free September.....I guess that is when it will feel very different!
All the bestIan

Andy Wrathall

An absolute legend......a true confidante who could always be relied upon to give me a sense of perspective! I'll miss him greatly!

Judy McSorley

Dear JohnWishing you a long and well-deserved, happy retirement!Heartfelt thanks for all your friendly and wise support over many years - both in my roles as a parent and staff - you’ve been brilliant and will be sorely missed!Enjoy being a Grandparent, even more cricket, and football – although as a Man U fan that is debatable!With love and best wishes,Judy x

Sarah Humphreys

Well the look on your face when I walked into your classroom to clean it was a cracker ! Thank you for everything you will be sorely missed ! P.S. who’s calendar am I going to turn the dates on now ! Happy Retirement

Heather Procter

Thank you for so many things! Among them, believing in me and trusting me to do my job, and at the same time being ever available for quick (and not so quick) questions. On days when I feel like I can’t do it, you make me feel like I can! Thank you for taking a chance on me when I was a fairly newly qualified librarian. I may see you around Sandbach, if I ever manage to move! Have a wonderful, well deserved retirement. Heather

Sue Evans

Thank you John, and here's you wishing lots of fun times in the next chapter. Very best wishes, Sue

Charlotte Whatson

Thank you for always making time to stop and talk. You are someone who has this happy knack of being able to make everyone you speak to feel valued and at ease. I have always enjoyed my conversations with you and our little jokes 😉 CHS will not be quite the same without you.Enjoy a very well-earned retirement, John, and I hope to bump into you on site very soon.With my love and very best wishes, Charlotte

Matt Higgins

I have learnt a great deal from you in the last couple of years in which we have worked together. Your ability to listen, support, challenge and really care about people is astonishing.
Your commitment to CHS Sport in many different capacities including coaching, funding and building new facilities has been a key factor in developing the students experience and has allowed us to be one of the lead schools in the North of England. I thank you for your patience, guidance and humor; and although this may be goodbye from CHS as a member of full time staff, I certainly hope to see you stay involved in CHS Sport. Thanks for everything Matt

Graham Clinton

John, it’s been an honour to have you oversee the cricket programme at CHS since I arrived 5 years ago. The students and I are incredibly lucky to have somebody so passionate about cricket and keen to promote the game in any way possible.
There are practical examples that have been an eye-opener to myself. I remember you were leading a pre-season practice for our current Yr12 cohort when they were much younger and were not used to school pre-season practice. Attendance was poor and no real cricketing culture existed - a tough gig for any coach - and you jumped in feet first and kept them active with tennis balls in the nets. I can’t think of anybody else - myself included - who would have embraced that session with as much gusto!In terms of how I view my own life, and maturing process, you are an inspiration to stay curious and involved in the details. There are days when I’m tired, perhaps bored with the routine and contemplating a dull life. At these times you are a shining example of maintaining a love of learning and presenting a genuine excitement in maintaining progression. I am hopeful - and very confident - we will see you around CHS cricket in the future. You are always welcome, I hope to help produce cricketers that excite you and most importantly, that you have some peace on the boundary to enjoy the sound of leather on willow without simultaneously being pulled in umpteen directions!With all my respect,Graham

David Lockhart

John, thank you for your support and conversation over the past years; you have been a source of inspiring stories, great book recommendations and wisdom. I hope that the next chapter of your journey is as rich and interesting as your time at CHS has been. Wishing you a retirement that offers the opportunities and enjoyment to keep you active in both body and mind.All the best, David

Kate Sargent

Wishing you every happiness in your very well earned retirement. I'm sure you've got plenty of happy and fulfilling memories of a great career.

Andrew Crook

I might have worked at CHS over two stints, but you didn't change: kind, supportive, faithful and massively committed to the school, its staff and its pupils ... and my oldest daughter still remembers you getting the signed Harry Styles photo for her. Thanks for everything, Andrew

Amanda Wood

Dear JohnIt’s been a privilege to work with you over the last ten years; you are an outstanding colleague as well as a friend, and CHS is all the better for everything that you have given to the School. Wishing you a very happy retirement.Love, Amanda

Sarah Lloyd-Davies

John is one of the nicest, supportive and kindest people I have had the privilege to work with. He will be sorely missed at CHS as he has contributed to the framework of what CHS is about today - genuinely caring and nurturing of the students and always with a ready smile for staff and "how are you doing". Enjoy your retirement, you deserve it.

Rhian Sanville

Thanks so much for all your guidance over the last three years. You've helped me immensely. I'll miss our chats and discussions about books! Good luck in your retirement - I hope it's filled with fun and family! Rhian

Lesley Atkinson

A true gentleman. Even though John occupies a very busy role, he’s ALWAYS taken the time, in person, to ask how I am and to show an interest in what’s happening with me. He’s frequently acknowledged the contribution individuals within the Professional Services team make too.
In our day to day work within our roles, John is the one who manages to pick out certain things and convey his appreciation for them, or to acknowledge our efforts in specific circumstances. He asks for our opinions, is supportive and has been instrumental in so many considered and positive improvements around CHS. These and many other traits makes him a lovely man in my eyes, who I will greatly miss seeing around school as often.John will recall our conversation when Pauline announced she was retiring, he said he didn’t know how he’d manage without her and my light-hearted reply was “you’ve only one option – to retire as well”. Congratulations John, my very best wishes to you for a long and happy retirement – I’ll miss you, as will everyone at CHS.

Kris Gilbertson

Dear John,You truly embody the values of CHS and have been an inspiration and friend since 2004 when I joined the staff. School is losing one of it's greatest members of staff.
I have been privileged to work with you when you were Head of Sixth Form as well as Second Master and I have the utmost respect and regard for you. You were the best Head of Sixth Form and it is testament to your dedication, fairness and wisdom that students hold you in such high esteem. You have been my favourite line manager ever! I think that on occasion you may have thought that Pauline, Rachel and I were bossing you about but we always tried to look after you - to remind you to relax and have a break from work! Thank you John for looking after me, listening to me moan, shout and cry over the years. However, we have laughed so much more and had wonderful chats (usually not about work at all!) Enjoy your retirement (don't do too much work) and have fun. Think of all the books you can read now!I know that you will keep in touch.With much love,Kris xxx

Barbara Bottoms

John is the personification of the CHS values and a Waconian to the core. It has been a pleasure to work with John; I will remember him as a professional of great integrity and a thoroughly lovely man. I wish John good health in his retirement and thank him for the support he has given me during my time as Head of Junior School.

Martin Smith

Dear John, I just wanted to say thank you for giving me such a warm welcome to CHS and for always being a kind, calm and supportive presence. It's obvious for all to see that you are an extremely well-liked and respected individual, who has pretty much made it their life's work to make CHS the best place it can be; you should be very proud of your achievements.All the best for a great (partial) retirement!

Joanne Sturch

John, it has been lovely to get to know you better over the last few months. You are kind and genuine and always have something interesting to say. I will miss our lunchtime chats. Enjoy your retirement. I look forward to hearing about the places you will be visiting around the world! Joanne xx

Mike Jones

Thanks for all your support and guidance over the years and we'll miss having your steady and compassionate approach to staff, students and parents. Good luck and enjoy your retirement and we hope you can still come along for some staff football from time to time, even in just a managerial capacity!

Paula Begg

Dear John Wishing you a very happy and relaxing retirement! With best wishesPaula (reception!) xx

Laura Dalton

John,Wishing you a very happy and healthy retirement. You will be sorely missed at CHS - your warmth and genuine interest in staff wellbeing have always made you so approachable. Enjoy spending more time as Grandad, reading books you love and being able to book holidays in term time!With very best wishes, Laura x

Hannah Allcock

John, you will be truly missed. Throughout my time at CHS you have been the keystone to the entire School. I will always remember your kindness, sincerity and the genuine interest you show to people. Whether it was our lunch-time laughter and continued fun, making jokes or our deep and thoughtful conversations about literature and ‘what are you reading?’ discussions.
I loved sharing the assembly stage with you for our ‘Literary’ themed Lower Sixth assembly a few years ago… but mostly it will be your wisdom, kind heart and the many chats we have had since I began at CHS. You often called in to my office to talk and I have always appreciated seeing your face at my door, or when passing in the corridor. You are a superb teacher; wonderful colleague and a truly fantastic boss. Herr Winter – knowledgeable, friendly and someone who always puts the students first. It has been a honour to work with you and I am only sorry it wasn’t for longer! I wish you the very best in your retirement and hope you can enjoy lots of days in the sunshine watching the cricket or United! With best wishes to you for the future. CHS has lost a great one. Hannah X

Jonny Hedwat

John,On my very first day in 2011 you made me feel so welcome and giving of your time. That support has never changed over the years and I know that if ever I needed someone to talk to, I can come to you. Whether it is difficulties at work or big changes in my life, you have always been a sympathetic ear and a true friend.
This is not a goodbye message though, as our friendship goes beyond the jobs we do at school. I can’t really get away from you either, seeing as you sit behind me at Old Trafford. Wishing you all the best for your retirement mate, with lots of cricket days and league one grounds to visit!Take care,JonnyP.S. You are undoubtedly the worst staff footballer I have played with.

Myles Mason

As a former pupil of yours at King's Macclesfield I have always held you in the very highest regard John. Working with you these last 10 years has only cemented this reputation. I will always remember your passion and calm, friendly and fair approach to all aspects of School-life plus your love of cricket! Wishing you the very best for a well-earned retirement.

Dorothy Manton

John,Wishing you a wonderful retirement. Thanks for being such a lovely colleague and friend. CHS won’t be the same without you! Love from Dorothy xx

Ros Gibbon

Best wishes for your retirement John, you have been wonderful to work for and thank you for the many opportunities. Your speeches to staff just before lockdown were inspiring and truly memorable, Ros

Paul Newsome

Hi John, hoping you have a long and well earned retirement shared with all your family. I am sure you have many plans, some of which might even not involve watching sport!!Enjoy

Martine Webster

The chance of spending more time at cricket, football and with family is now at hand and it is well deserved!Your contribution to CHS has been huge John, on so very many levels. Thank you for your integrity, your fair-mindedness and your utter dedication to the school.A true gentleman and an example to all who aspire to management roles, you have the gift of making everybody feel that you always have time for them, whether it is students, staff, parents or Old Wacs.You have lived and breathed CHS and although your kindness, compassion and words of wisdom will be sorely missed, I am certain you will continue to maintain links with, students and staff and remain an important part the wider school community.

Michele Pakay

A sad goodbye for CHS , John ; there will certainly be a huge JW shaped gap when you leave.The influence you have had on all the many staff and students you have inspired, mentored, encouraged won’t be erased though. Your natural warmth, your genuine care and interest in people is a hallmark of CHS and why you feel such a unique part of the DNA of the place.
Always so well read, in various languages, I will miss the chats about books over recess; you are a true book lover and it was fun to share ideas. You are also possessed of a wicked sense of humour and the twinkle in your eye often meant some quip about my ‘ maturity’ was coming my way... unfortunately time catches up with us all, John and I hope you will, like me, enjoy all those new books and things you always meant to do in retirement. You have certainly earned it.All best wishes, Michele.

Debbie Woodcock

I have worked at the school for 14 years and have seen John progress from languages to becoming the second master. John has always been incredibly supportive of myself and my department and has always been there to check that we are ok following major incidents which is really reassuring and also very much appreciated. John is always very calm and focused and is excellent in an emergency. I have always found John to be professional and measured and someone I could rely on if required. John is an excellent colleague to work alongside and is going to be missed by a great number of staff from many different departments throughout the school. I know that John has been completely dedicated to his role to ensure that the school is constantly evolving and progressing forward in the best interests of all the students and staff.
John has a wicked sense of humour and I know has many hilarious stories to tell both from within the classroom, on the field and on school trips. I personally would like to say a massive big thank you for always ensuring that I felt valued as a member of staff and for treating me in a respectful manner. I always felt that I was being listened to and that my opinion mattered. John you will leave a huge hole to fill however I am confident that Lee will rise to the challenge to ensure the same high standard of service is delivered across all areas of the school.I am sure your last year will count as one of the most memorable for a number of reasons. The 6th form centre was opened, followed by an inspection, followed by lockdown! I feel very sad that we are unable to help you celebrate your retirement and that you are having to step down in such unprecedented times (sorry had to get that word in!! J )I hope that in the following months it may be possible for us to help you celebrate as a school community. However in the meantime I am holding a virtual toast to you to have a well-deserved rest and wish you all the best for a long, healthy and happy future.All the bestDebbie

Simon Parkin

I would like to thank you for your unfailing support both personally and professionally. We have worked together in various roles over the years and I have always appreciated your good counsel knowing that everything you do is governed by the ethos of CHS.You have supported and guided colleagues and students throughout your time at the School and the respect people have for you is because of the time you have given them and the energy and commitment you have shown to so many aspects of School life. Whilst schools inevitably change, your steadfast loyalty to CHS and its community has been constant. Thank you.With my very best wishes for your retirement, Simon

Steven Norton

John,Thank you so much for all your support over the years. I can still remember one of my first days at CHS (not long after you'd started as Second Master, I think) when I was reeling from lack of sleep and the difficult circumstances that followed Jemima's birth. You were so supportive and reassuring and you've been just the same ever since. CHS really won't be the same place without you but I'm glad that we'll be able to maintain some sort of contact through the SCITT.I hope you have a wonderful retirement. It will be richly deserved and your legacy is one that you can be very proud of.With warmest wishes,Steven

Fran Kennedy

John, it has been an absolute privilege to work with you and I’ll be forever grateful for the endless support and kindness. CHS will be a different place without you. Enjoy retirement and let the good times roll!

Rebecca Turnbull

John, Thank you so much for your compassion, understanding and for always taking the time to listen. Your empathy and humour have meant so much to so many members of staff and have made all the difference to so many of us, myself included. With heartfelt gratitude and very best wishes for your future adventures,Becky

Clare Heyes

Dear JohnFrom the moment I joined CHS, everyone I met spoke so fondly of you, and they were right! It has been an absolute pleasure working with you and while it will be lovely to continue to see you in School, I hope you also enjoy a long and happy retirement with Fiona, your family and grandchildren.Warm wishesClare x

Sophie Williams

Dear John, Thank you for all of your encouragement and kindness during the time I have worked at CHS. You are easy to talk to and have a way of making people feel respected and listened to. I will always remember when we first met, at my interview, you even made that feel relaxed and not scary. I want to wish you all the best for your retirement. Enjoy the extra time you can spend with your family, and the opportunity to holiday during term time! All the best, Sophie Williams

Helen Firth

Dear John,Somehow you have managed to make us all feel valued and listened to. Thank you so much for always making the time for us and give us the encouragement and direction when needed.You are a legend.Helen x

Martyn Mancey-Johnson

I am sure that over 27 years you have enough stories for a chapter in the next volume of “Heads and Tales“ - and you have earned your place in the history books of Cheadle Hulme School. From the minute you interviewed me - I’ve looked up to you as a true professional, I have admired your work ethic and have been inspired by your commitment to the School.
Amanda once told me that “CHS'' is written right through you like a stick of rock - and I believe that to be 100% accurate. Your leadership has always been grounded in the core Waconian values and I have looked to you as a role model. With everything that we have worked together on, you have encouraged me to positively build on my strengths and to also have an open mind to discover new ways and adapt to new ideas. You have made a huge difference to the lives of every student who has come through that infamous green door, and you have had a lasting impact on the lives of so many staff along the way. John, I think you work harder than anyone I’ve known and as one chapter ends and another begins, you will finally get a chance to breathe; so step back and appreciate the legacy you leave behind. Good luck with your next chapter, I know that you will enjoy every minute of it. Martyn MJ

Charlotte Aspin

Dear John,Before I officially started at CHS I attended the Old Wacs’ event in London at Lincoln’s Inn. On the walk back to the hotel you took us all via The Old Curiosity Shop and I first learned of your love of Dickens. In the conversations that followed I learned about your family, your love of cricket, your obvious dedication to CHS, and your wicked sense of humour – all before I’d even set foot in the school with you.
You are genuine, kind-hearted, generous, super hard-working, inquisitive and people-focused. You always made time for whoever you met around school or at Old Wac events. When you walked into the ER office it genuinely felt like there was nowhere else you’d rather be, though I’m sure you were needed in at least a dozen other places. I wish you the best retirement possible, full of family, laughter and undoubtedly watching sport. And don’t worry…I’ll be pestering you to host a pub quiz in the not too distant future – welcome to the Old Wac community!Charlotte xx

Caroline Dunn

John,You inspire, you make people feel safe, you care deeply, you are loyal, you love to learn, you love to help others learn, you embrace change, you challenge, you listen, you reflect, you ask great questions, you are interested and interesting. You are authentic and kind and really quite funny. You can move an after eight from your forehead into your mouth without using your hands. You adore your family. You have hobbies I don’t understand, you read 4 books all at the same time in various languages and you support Manchester United (and I still think you are brilliant.)
All of the above and so much more, makes you one of life's truly special people and I consider myself incredibly lucky to have been taught by you, to have worked on SLT with you and most importantly, to be able to call you my friend. Thank you for your unwavering support, positivity, passion, calming influence, patience and kindness. I hope that when you reflect on your 27 years at CHS over the coming months, that you appreciate just how much you were loved and respected by all; how you touched the lives of everyone you came into contact with, just by being you.They say that no-one is indispensable. I disagree. You simply can't replace John Winter.Looking forward to hanging out in HC.Much love,Caroline xxxx

Oli Abbott

John,It has been a real privilege to transition from former student to colleague in the Modern Languages department at Cheadle Hulme School. I haven’t been teaching that long, but I know already that a teacher who is so dearly cherished and respected by teachers and students alike is a rare thing indeed. The key to this I think is that everyone in both groups genuinely feels you have their best interests at heart, that they can count on you for words of encouragement and advice and for a laugh too. Have a fantastic retirement and I look forward to seeing you out of your seat at Old Trafford soonOli

Fiona Buxton

John,On the first of the hand-over days before I officially started at the School, we were introduced and you were so welcoming, I felt immediately at ease. I have enjoyed working with you in so many different roles at CHS where you have shown enthusiasm, compassion, determination and sheer hard work. You have always been the voice of reason and fairness to pupils and staff alike, and have their respect. Cheadle Hulme School will not be the same without you! Enjoy your retirement. Fiona

“Your towering presence, was always inspiring

Your reassuring words, were stress busting

Your constant support, was highly motivating

Farewell to a boss, who we will be dearly missing”

Rachel Dalton-Woods

Jodi Birkett

John it has been a pleasure working with you over the last few years and we are desperately sad to see you go, but delighted that you will have plenty of opportunity to enjoy your retirement. It is clear how much the school means to you and I thank you for your commitment, diligence and ease of manner. All the best Jodi.

Peter Driver

To John, an inspiration, an outstanding manager and a wise educator on whom we have all relied. How we are going to miss the reassurance your hand on the tiller brings! Glad you are not completely gone…and can find time for more cricket. With very best wishes on your retirement, Peter

Martin Tyley

John, you are, perhaps more than anyone else I have met, the voice of Cheadle Hulme School. Consistently balanced and under-stated, always calm but with real clarity when a point needs to be made, you have been someone I have increasingly admired and respected over the last few years where I have had the pleasure to get to know you. Thank you for everything that you have done for the school and in particular for the Board.

Michael Bolingbroke

Working with you John has been a pleasure, and your passion for CHS and the professionalism & knowledge that you bring to bear will be sorely missed.Totally unsolicited, in the garden last week, Teix said 'Did you know that Mr Winter once said that I would make a fine batsman one day if I kept practicing' I'd like to add inspiring leader & teacher to that list too. Good luck in future ventures John, I sincerely hope that we stay in touch, and thank you for everything.

Jo Squire

John, you are a supremely accomplished leader and mentor whose warmth and approachable empathy is matched equally by a fierce determination and razor-sharp intellect, all wrapped up in a calm authority and gracious serenity.
You exemplify that rare brand of teachers who will be remembered by hundreds if not thousands of pupils, staff and parents alike for the rest of their lives as ’truly inspirational’.
One of life’s exceptional ‘all-rounders’.

Catherine Boyd

During their time at CHS, each of my three children had minor or major gripes about different members of staff. John was one of the very few teachers they always spoke about with nothing other than the utmost respect. They recognised and really valued how he nurtured their interest in languages; for his highly organised and enjoyable trips to various German cities; his approachability and genuine interest in them. Whilst many teachers compared them with their siblings, they really appreciated that John always treated each of them as individuals. As Head of Sixth Form he worked tirelessly and patiently to guide them and their peers through the UCAS process.As a governor of CHS, I have been exceptionally privileged to work closely with John. Over the last 10 years, I have seen first-hand just how hard John has endeavoured to do whatever he can to ensure that CHS is a place where every pupil is supported and encouraged to achieve the best they can. He is completely authentic, extraordinarily compassionate and always manages to find just the right way to offer support; whether that’s to colleagues, governors or pupils. John personifies all the Waconian values and his commitment to and unrelenting passion for CHS has been incredible.

Philip Johnson

Dear John26 years is a very long time to be at Cheadle Hulme School; only 4 years less than me!! All that needs to be said, is that over all those years you have made an impact that few achieve. That would say everything, but there is more that should be said.John, during your 26 years at the School, your contribution has been enormous, whether it be as a teacher, Head of 6th Form, a member of SLT or as Second Master, not to mention on the sports field and during numerous language trips abroad. More important than all that, is that no matter what you have done you have done it with the utmost skill, the utmost integrity and with the welfare of others always at the centre.
Over the years that I have known you, it has been evident in spades the amount of respect people have for you; the pupils, the parents, your fellow staff members and, of course, the Governors. You like people and people like you. That is not easy to achieve over many years but you have certainly done it in every sector of the School. What you say and what you think matters, and that was certainly evident when you stepped up to the plate recently, during the Covid-19 crisis, and you put together the 345 exit plan. Not an easy task at all but delivered to the School after great thought and with great professionalism. We would not have expected anything less.I know you will have an ongoing relationship with School from September but it will be in the background and, at last, you will have time for things other than education. You deserve it and it is well earned.Because of Covid-19, it is sad that we cannot give you the send off in person that you deserve but, fear not, we will celebrate your achievements when the pandemic is over. There may even be a few bubbles to look forward to.John, you have been a great teacher, a great member of the Leadership Team and a great friend and help to me. I will miss you, we will all miss you. Keep well and ensure that you enjoy the extra time you will have to pursue your dreams.With my very best wishesYours Philip