John Winter

During 27 years of service at Cheadle Hulme School Mr John Winter has made a lasting impact on his many students and colleagues. He started at the school as Head of German in September 1993 going on to develop his pastoral role as Head of Sixth Form four years later. He became Second Master in 2012, helping to lead the school both strategically and with great empathy. Alongside his academic role many will know him for his enthusiastic support of the school’s cricketing teams, and, of course, Manchester United...

His positive influence and infectious good humour are highlighted in the many messages in this collection from his current and former students and colleagues. We wish Mr Winter a full and happy retirement.

“My meaning simply is, that whatever I have tried to do in life, I have tried with all my heart to do well; that whatever I have devoted myself to, I have devoted myself to completely; that in great aims and in small, I have always been thoroughly in earnest.” Charles Dickens, David Copperfield

From Old Waconians

Raff McMahon, Class of 2019

It’s not often that a student can say, with complete honesty and no vested interest, that a teacher changed their life. However, Mr Winter has never been a run-of-the-mill teacher, and nor has he ever wanted run-of-the-mill students. For Mr Winter, passing German, or even excelling academically at it, is, at best, secondary. His main aim is for you to love German as much as he does (which is, as any student of Mr Winter would know, physically impossible but still worth striving for).
His energy and his commitment never fail to astound me, both inside and outside of lessons. In the classroom he set an impeccable example to his students - he was incessantly cheery, intensely interested in the ideas of his students and meticulous in his attention to detail. As a student of his, there was nothing I wanted more than to emulate these qualities. A smile rarely left his face irrespective of the intensity of the workload that must have faced him as CHS’s Second Master, meaning that a smile rarely left his students’ faces, irrespective of our own workload. Mr Winter may have made us work hard, but he always worked harder. There was nothing that he expected us to do that he wouldn’t have been prepared to do himself. Every essay we wrote was met with a whole page full of highly detailed feedback and, occasionally, a corresponding essay of his own! The exercises he made us do were never plucked out of some generic textbook, but rather he would either spend considerable time looking for a suitable exercise or he would make it himself. He worked his way through the entire A Level process with us, allowing him to understand fully the intensity of the course, thereby meaning that he could look out for us. He would always ask about how we were coping with the workload and would make adjustments to it if a student was struggling. However, my academic relationship with Mr Winter went beyond the classroom. I have no doubt that Mr Winter played a large role in my successful application to the Cambridge Modern Languages university course. During our sessions we would often discuss the German texts I had read, the German films I had watched and the study I intended to do to further my knowledge of German. Needless to say he was always countless steps ahead of me - if I had read the book, he would have read the whole author’s collection. If I had watched the film, he would have an intense knowledge of the director’s work and their filming techniques. If I had researched the historical period, he would have written papers on it. When I went into his office in order to return books or films I had borrowed from him, I would somehow end up walking out with more and being chuffed about the additional work - a very helpful quality in a teacher and one that, in my experience, is pretty unique to Mr Winter. His warmth, humour, eloquence and his fascination with basically everything around him made me a better student and person. I, as I’m sure is true of most of his students, will miss him dearly and wish him a richly enjoyable, well-deserved retirement.

Nik / Mindy / Bazza, Class of 1998

Dear John..
..It feels strange to hear you are retiring as it only seems like yesterday when you were teaching us and helping us transition from cheeky kids into young adults, something which I always felt you did really well. You were one of the teachers who always treated us with respect and as equals and that was something I valued greatly especially through 6th form before moving on to University.
Having studied German, French and Business for A Level, I had a lot of contact with you through the language department but also as our form teacher and through the fantastic German exchanges we did to Heidenheim. These trips were so well organised by you enabling us all to have a unique insight into German life and culture in a safe and environment. We created many great memories, built strong friendships and even managed to improve our German as a result!
We also bonded through our love of Manchester United and It was a pleasure to host you at Old Trafford after I left CHS. I also remember the match we had vs staff the year we left and some of the heavy challenges you and Pete Upton put in on us - it was clear you were both fans of Keano and Scholesy! It was 1-1 in the end but I reckon if we had VAR back then we would have edged it.
Wishing you all the best on the next part of your journey - thank you for all of the advice, time and support you gave me and my friends in the class of ‘98! X

Joe Bryan, Class of 2007

Dear Mr Winter,
I would like to send you my best wishes for your forthcoming retirement. As you retire from your career as a dedicated CHS teacher and Germanist, I look back very fondly on my sixth form days, when you taught our AS level and A level classes. There were only three of us studying German in the upper sixth! I particularly remember everyone having a lot of fun on the trip to Berlin in October 2005. Thank you very much for organising the trip, along with Mrs Losse.
I will also always be grateful to you for the time you took to help me prepare for higher study in our pre-university tutorials. You passed on your enthusiasm for Kleist, Böll and other German writers. With this inspiration, I eventually went on to write my undergraduate dissertation on the challenging (if not cheerful) works of Kleist.Ich wünsche dir einen glücklichen Ruhestand. Vielleicht sehen wir uns im Old Trafford!

Alice Bernstein, Class of 2005

Dear Mr Winter,I have such fond memories of you as our Head of Sixth Form. I am so grateful for your patience and support with my university statement in particular. Wishing you a happy and relaxed retirement - you certainly deserve it!

Cathy Taylor (née Booth), Class of 1999

All the best for a very well deserved retirement Mr Winter! You were a fab teacher. My two biggest memories of you both revolve around German or Germany. I remember you describing the deliciousness that is 'spaghettieis' and you carrying a blood-covered Chris Mettam in your arms after he ran through a French window on our Rhine Valley trip. Much affection, Cathy, now mother to three and working in International Development.

Aneeka Mehta, Class of 2003

Mr WinterThank you for being an amazing German teacher and a brilliant head of sixth form. I have so many fond memories of you. Lots of smiles and laughter! Thank you for all the support you provided when I needed it the most. Enjoy a well deserved retirement.

Anuj Sethi, Class of 2000

"I wish you all the best in retirement Herr Winter!"

Keaton Seddon, Class of 2017

Dear Mr. Winter,I was saddened to hear the news of your retirement, as the school has benefited enormously under you. I never had the opportunity to study with you, but I will always fondly remember our Year 8 Munich Trip! Wishing you all the very best for your well deserved retirement!

Ben Seale, Class of 2007

Mr. Winter was both my German teacher and Head of Sixth Form back in 2007.I don't know how I ended up doing German at A-level, as I certainly didn't take to the German language like a duck to water. Amongst my small and somewhat elite German class, which primarily consisted of Oxford- and Cambridge language applicants, I was constantly falling behind. Mr. Winter was understanding and supportive in a way that any of Mr Winters' students, both past and present will understand.
Where other teachers may have concentrated more on their stronger students, even as head of Sixth Form Mr. Winter always found the time to explain things again and gave me a real sense of value and self-worth at a time that I found difficult. It was also Mr. Winter I believe (and completely unrelated) who suggested that I should be the one to take the class photos for our official yearbook at the end of that year, knowing that I had a camera and that I had an interest in photography... In the many years since my time at CHS, I have served as an officer in the Swiss Air Force, leading 30 or so Swiss-German recruits through their military training and now work as an assistant producer at the BBC, still using that camera fairly regularly and even doing the odd bit of German translation too! Thank you for everything Mr. Winter, from the many and the few.

Kit Yates, Class of 2003

Dear John, you never taught me as a student (my German wasn't much cop - "Fritz Fliege ist in Rathaus" was about my level), but I got to know you as head of sixth form during those sometimes difficult years, punctuated by Nick's death.
I've also enjoyed catching up with you at various events since leaving school and was always delighted to be sat opposite you to hear how you and the school had been getting on in the intervening period. You always kindly remembered who I was and to ask about my sister, Lucy, which always impressed me given the number of students who must have passed under your tutelage over the years.I just wanted to say thank you for improving my school experience and I'm sure the school will miss you immeasurably, but also that I hope you enjoy your retirement and the next big adventure.All the best, Kit.

Nina Hesse, Class of 2020

I have been taught by Mr Winter for 2 years and his true, contagious passion for the subject has been reflected in each of his lessons, providing them not only with great academic depth but also true enjoyment.
Mr Winter is one of the kindest, most inspiring teachers I have ever had, to the extent that I now look forward to studying classical German literature, something I never envisioned myself doing! His departure will be a true loss to CHS but I am sure he will continue to spread light wherever life takes him next. We wish you all the best for the future!

Anya Clark, Class of 2020

I have never met another teacher who is just as passionate about their subject, as Mr Winter is about German. Mr Winter, thank you for your endless dedication, support and compassion. Your presence at CHS will be irreplaceable and I wish you all the best for the future.

Rohan Kotecha, Class of 2020

Mr Winter’s passion for Literature and German in general is so profound and has made me thoroughly enjoy learning the language. It has been a huge privilege to have been taught by him and to have had his continuous encouragement and support throughout the course and I genuinely don’t think I would be at the level I am at now, if it weren’t for Mr Winter. Vielen Dank und alles Gute für Ihren Ruhestand, Herr Winter!

Illustration by Ella Bucknall, Class of 2012

Akshat Agarwal, Class of 2011

Dear Mr Winter,
It's been almost a decade since I completed my A-levels at CHS and my most fond memories of school are playing cricket with you as coach! Being brought into the 1st XI as a green 15 year old, it was your and Mr Burnage's mentorship over the next three years that was instrumental in helping me become a half-decent cricketer.
I still remember when you brought me to your office after I decided not to play county cricket. I'm not sure if I understood it clearly then, but now I realize that I had stopped enjoying cricket. I wanted to play for fun and playing with you at CHS - a great team with a great coach - was all I needed. I want to thank you for helping me fall in love with and excel at the game until I left the school.My cricketing days at CHS with you as coach are some of my most memorable. I still cherish the photograph you gave me and your diary of the Barbados tour, and keep these close to me as I continue with my career. I hope we can stay in touch and I wish you the best in this next phase of your life.PS: congrats on becoming a grandfather!!!

Matt Marfani, Class of 2010

John all the best for your very well deserved retirement, I hope you enjoy it and the extra time spent with the family.
Thank you for all the hours and hours of devotion you gave to supporting cricket at the school and my development. I hope to see you at the MCC fixture in the future, and at various cricket fixtures over the coming months and years now that you'll have much more time on your hands.
Best wishes - Matt

Jack Boyd, Class of 2016

I think it's a genuinely rare thing for a teacher to properly engage students in subjects they couldn't give a toss about. There is no doubt Mr Winter loves Germany and the rest of die deutschsprachige-Länder. I hope he doesn't mind me saying that CHS has lost a valuable history resource as well. He brought his experiences of a divided Germany to the class room, bringing an unparalleled perspective with him. I wasn't as committed a German student as my siblings, but Mr Winter made me see how vital even basic linguistic skills can be in breaking down cultural barriers. Thank you for everything you've done for the Boyds, you will be well missed. Enjoy retirement, you deserve it!

Goa Cricket Tour Easter 2007

Sam Tetlow, Class of 1998

The big group shot is from a trip to Germany in (I think) 1994. We sang lots of Manchester United songs on the coach as we travelled! Mr Winter led the trip and we all had a great time.The other shots are from a trip to Germany in 1997. It was an international event involving lots of schools from across the world including from Cameroon. There was a night at the school where we stayed up all night (literally). Brass bands played to keep everyone in the party mood.Mr Winter was the main reason I studied German through to A-level (and at university). A real inspiration. I was delighted to see him again at the recent alumni event in London.

Nicola Farnsworth, Class of 2014

Mr Winter, I wanted to say thank you for everything you have done for CHS, particularly for the School Council in 2013/14, of which I was a part. You were supportive and encouraging throughout that time, and my whole time in Sixth Form, and I have very fond memories of being on the council and working with you and the other members. CHS and its pupils are lucky to have benefited from your knowledge and support, and I hope you have a very happy retirement.

Emma Ransom (née Burnage), Class of 2007

Mr Winter - not only did you give me the careers advice that drove me into my current career (and, at this stage, that’s still a significantly positive thing) but your family and mine will always have such a close affinity due to our experiences stemming from Cheadle Hulme. Thank you! I look forward to staying in touch and seeing you enjoy your retirement (especially with little Ava and Baby Boy Winter - both cricketers in the making, I’m sure!)With sincere gratitude.

Nadia Mook (née Al-chalabi), Class of 1997

Mr Winter, thank you very much for your dedication, giving up your break times to help me, instilling a love of languages and moreover for not giving up on me. I am very very sad to see you go as I was one of your first students (French). I am also currently learning to speak Portuguese and would have not done so if it was not for your fantastic teaching and giving me a grounding base in the French language. Which I still understand today. Best wishes.

Linden Seddon, Class of 2017

Thank you for being an amazing influence in CHS during the time we were there! I never had the opportunity to study in any of your classes, however what opportunities we did have to talk I remember with fondness. I know I can say with certainty (and know that many will agree) that CHS won't be the same without you! I hope you enjoy your well-deserved retirement but hope you will still be able to come back to CHS in the future!Thank you.

The Addy Family

We wish you a happy, fun-filled retirement. Thank you for being so caring and for inspiring us all… we are lucky to have had you as a teacher & friend. Love from Tamsin, Elliot, Alison and Paul Addy.

The Mesrie Family

Dear John,Thank you for all your support and advice during the boys’ time at Cheadle Hulme School.We have so many special memories of time spent watching the boys playing cricket with you and Fiona, and even learning how to score!You have been such an inspiration to both boys, guiding them through their academic, sporting and social life in this community.Your wisdom and integrity has helped shape the boys and reinforce the values they hold today.We wish you health and happiness in your retirement.Daniel, Rachel, Ben and Ilan Mesrie

Elise Johnson, Alice Webb and Faye Ainley with Mr Winter at the Class of 2018 Leavers' Dinner

Cathy Beavis, Class of 1972

Thank you John for your friendship and unstinting support for the Old Waconians' Association. Your attendance at events, the time you have so freely given and the interest that you have shown has meant so much to former pupils and former staff, and you will be sadly missed as a representative of the teaching body at CHS. I sincerely hope that we will see you maintaining links and continuing to attend events in your new capacity as an Old Waconian yourself. Wishing you, Fiona and your extended family a healthy, fulfilling and exciting future. Cathy Beavis

Berlin Trip 2012

German Exchange Trip 2008

Katie Worthington, Class of 2009

Wow - 27 years is such a fantastic achievement! Whilst I never had the pleasure of you being my German teacher (we will blame Chris for that), I got to know you best as Head of Sixth Form. Your genuine interest, enthusiasm and wicked sense of humour made you a wonderful mentor and teacher and CHS will be a lesser place without you. I look forward to continuing having a relationship with your family by making fun of your son and hopefully meeting your grandson in the months ahead. I hope you enjoy your well deserved retirement.

Galina Morrell (née Cheng), Class of 1995

Most gorgeous teacher ever!! Can’t believe he’s done 27!! I was in his first form (Sept 1993) that makes me feel old!!

Laura Wroe, Class of 2004

Great man Mr winter happy retirement xx

George Evans, Class of 2005

Fantastic teacher and lovely man - happy retirement John!

Mary Turner, Class of 1999

Great teacher, wishing him good luck for his venture into retirement x

Adam Wildig, Class of 2003

Congratulations John. All the best for your retirement.

Simon Holt, Class of 2005

One of the kindest people I've ever met. Happy retirement, Mr Winter!

Joanne Buckley (née Rourke), Class of 1996

Mr. Winter was my German teacher and the reason I went on to study German and moving to Germany! I’ve since moved to Ireland but German and Germany is a huge and very important part of both my personal life a career. A phenomenal teacher and huge influence.

Sian Wimbury, Class of 2000

What a genuinely lovely teacher imagine how many lives he has positively influenced 👍🏻

Eleanor Merson, Class of 1999

Really nice man. Happy retirement.

Emma Gilligan (née Garlick), Class of 2000

Fantastic teacher. It’s been a pleasure seeing you still walking around school. You’ll be missed.

Nick Bishop, Class of 1977

It's been a pleasure to know you John…You are one of life’s finest!Enjoy retirement and the summer days ahead watching a game of cricket.You may even have some success at United to enjoy!!!

Duncan Watmore, Class of 2012

John Winter played a huge part in my sports career at Cheadle. His enthusiasm and passion helped me to fall in love with the game of cricket. In particular, the cricket tour to Barbados comes to mind which was one of the most enjoyable trips I’ve ever been on.He also loved his football and I fondly remember talking about both sports regularly with him. Clearly his presence and love with regards to sport at CHS will be missed, but most importantly he will be missed for being a great man who helped make so many students’ experiences at CHS an amazing one, including mine. All the best John!

Guy Watmore, Class of 2008

As a key member of the Golden Generation which John Winter had the pleasure, nay the privilege, of coaching I saw first hand what a total and absolute legend John was. His passion for the game was exceeded only by his dedication as a teacher and head of 6th form. Some of my best memories from school were on the cricket field and a large part of that was the environment that John created. Best of luck with the retirement. Well deserved.

Ian and Georgina Watmore

John, Fiona, Chris and Matt Winter are a CHS legendary family, each playing their part in making it such a great school with unforgettable memories. John has been a great teacher (of German), inspiration (of many cricket teams), leader (of the sixth form), manager (as Deputy Head) and friend (to countless pupils and parents). Fiona has been such a wonderful source of support and guidance to him and the boys. And Chris and Matt embraced the opportunity provided by CHS and reached their potential on so many fronts. Every term at CHS has been a Winter term for so long, and Georgina and I thank them all from the bottom of our hearts.
PS in my new role I know where to come for a source of expertise - and it won’t be German!

The Scott Family

Dear Mr WinterI wanted to add my thanks for the help and support you gave to both my boys over the years they were at CHS.As both the boys played cricket, we were privileged to spend time with you pitch side. You were always so caring and just wanted all the students to reach their full potential.Pastorally you were amazing, happy to go the extra mile to ensure students were happy.Special thanks to Fiona for looking after the younger members of the first team when they went to Barbados.Wishing you and Fiona much happiness for the next chapter. I’m sure our paths with cross again at some cricket match somewhere in Cheshire!Hilary, Ian, Tom and James Scott

Jack Langley, Class of 2009

Firstly, I can’t thank you enough for the hours and hours you dedicated to me as a teacher, coach, mentor and friend. I always felt supported, valued and engaged by your leadership. I look back fondly on memories such as trips to Goa in India, Lords Cricket Ground and playing cricket around the country representing CHS. I have very much also enjoyed reading all your other tributes as they unanimously detail the same passion and dedication that I experienced from you....However it appears that I missed out having you as a teacher in the classroom - I can blame Chris for that! And you can blame Chris for making sure your well-deserved retirement as a grandpa (soon-to-be again - congratulations by the way) won’t be a quiet one! Wishing you and Fiona all the best, hope to see you again soon!

Mike Parr, Class of 2006

John, all the best on the retirement, you deserve a rest! Some of my fondest memories at school were with the CHS cricket team. It was a pleasure to play under your coaching, the work you put in to turn our reputation from an average side to a slightly better than average side (let’s not kid anyone!) was never ending and your energy was infectious. Hope to see you on the club cricket circuit at some point!

Hannah Parvaz, Class of 2011

Looking over all of the stories and photos on this web page has brought back so many fond memories. I decided to leave CHS for Sixth Form, and I remember one of the hardest things about leaving was knowing you would no longer be my German teacher. There were times that it felt like you were the only person who believed in me.You were always such a kind face and I think I learned more under your tutelage then I ever did elsewhere. Thank you for everything and I hope your retirement is peaceful and wonderful.

Charlie Troup, Class of 2012

What I most remember about you at school, Mr Winter, is that you knew something about everyone; and in my mind's eye, you're passing through the Upper Sixth Common Room and stopping to ask people how their hockey team is doing, or how rehearsals for a play are going, or what they think about a book they've been reading. It was a pleasure to know you at CHS and to keep in touch afterwards through Matt. I wish you a happy retirement and hope to bump into you again soon, at Edgbaston or elsewhere!"

Matt and Chris Winter (Class of 2012 and 2009)


'In loco parentis' has the potential to feel a bit close to the bone when you're a staff kid. However, as reflected by many of the messages that you've received following news of your retirement, we wouldn't have had it any other way. We both look back with great fondness on our schooldays at CHS, and will always be grateful that we were able to share so many of them with you.

It has given us real pride to read the tributes this week, and we recognise much of what has been said. You've always been incredibly earnest in your passions; be that for German, literature or sport. It's also clear that you've earned widespread respect from staff and pupils alike, not least because of the easy and open manner in which you have worn positions of authority.

All that being said, we also felt it necessary to inject some much needed balance here. We enjoyed a unique perspective on your time at CHS. And as school is all about learning, here are a few lessons that we hope you have learnt along the way:

  • There never was, and never will be, any excuse for a beige blazer. (An honourable mention here also for your continued determination to wear short-sleeved shirts).

  • Whilst you find the relationship between Victorian cricket and the works of Charles Dickens fascinating, this view is not widely shared. Mandating your A-level class to attend this otherwise empty Ezekiel Browne talk was unfair.

  • Metaphors should be used sparingly in assemblies. Your ham-fisted attempt to describe the sixth-form as being the top of the pyramid, and the triangular gesticulation that accompanied it, was hard to watch.

Nevertheless, 26 years at Cheadle is a decent innings, and we hope that you feel proud of the huge impact you've had on so many people along the way, including your sons. Here's to a long and happy retirement - you've earned it!

Lots of love,

Chris and Matt

P.S Mum is looking forward to having more help round the house. As your favourite author once said, and you’ve never been shy of telling us, 'procrastination is the thief of time'. So you best get cleaning…