GCSE - What do I need to know?

get prepared

revision folder

A revision folder with sub dividing tabs, labelled with all your subjects is a good start, but any way of organising your revision for the next two years is a good idea.

exam boards

Add the exam board to the front of each subject tab. This is useful to refer back to when using any of the revision sites below.

exam syllabus

Get this from the exam board's website or ideally get a summary from your teacher. They make great checklists.

Start Early

Y10 matters

Remember the more you do now the easier it will be later! Everything you do in Y10 (& Y9 Science) matters. Prepare thoroughly for each assessment and file anything you produce.

be prepared

You need all these useful stationary resources throughout the two years to assist you in your revision work.

plan backwards

You need to fill in your exam and assessment test dates as you receive them so that you can get prepared. Plan backwards and begin your preparations early remembering the importance of spaced retrieval.

know & Use the support out there


  • A number of the sites here advertise as 'free' - proceed with caution!

Sign up?

  • Speak to someone at home if you are asked to give any personal information.

Liked: Some good practical revision tips (we have covered a lot of it here).

Disliked: Wants you to sign up (check at home before loading personal details) and talks about learning styles (myth to some extent).

Liked: Advice on motivation & revision tips from university graduates.

Disliked: Last minute cramming tips - not good learning!

Liked: All of it. Link to the app particularly useful as the app is increasingly developing exam board specific quizzes.

Disliked: Nothing

Liked: The online revision timetable you could do & past questions are available.

Disliked: Takes a long time to construct the timetable - easier to use post it tabs on a weekly planner?

Liked: Lots of interesting articles on the GCSE learning process

Disliked: The Mojo app looked interesting, but a gimmick and do they want your money?

Liked: General Site for the Under 25s section on work opportunities (includes apprenticeships) and mental health articles.

Disliked: Not a lot on learning.

Liked: You can look up a subject you are interested in and see how what you are studying now is preparing you.

Disliked: Nothing, but a useful reference at this stage of your education only.

Liked: Excellent retrieval support for a number of exam boards. Popular amongst students.

Disliked: Just need to ensure you know all your exam boards before you do sign up etc.

Liked: Great for retrieval support. Search using your exam board and specific unit to find the most appropriate support.

Disliked: Anyone can post so look at who has made them to ensure accuracy. Good for basic recall so use as a supplement to support not replace other revision practice.

Student You Tube Recommendations

use with caution!

  1. You Tube videos are useful when you are struggling with a topic or want some extra ideas - they should not replace the retrieval work you do yourself.
  2. You need to ensure they are also relevant. A number of the channels below are for other other exam boards so you need to check your own syllabus requirements before you watch.
  3. When searching for support preface with the exam board you are studying with for that subject.


Like: Loads of videos on a lot of Maths topics. Explains things in a very simple way.

Dislike: Specifically for the AQA & Edexcel exam board and so you may not find what you are looking for.

Primrose Kitten

Like: Popular amongst students for both Science & Maths. She comes across as calm and you feel she really cares, she even streams live before exams so you can revise with her!

Dislike: Again specifically for AQA so you need to look at our own syllabus to ensure usefulness before watching. At times she can sometimes miss out the detail you need for those high grades!!!


Like: So many videos to choose from.

Dislike: Difficult to know where to begin. Best to use when you need help with a specific topic as they can become monotonous.

Mr Salles English

Mr Bruff

Like: Gives lots of practical advice for English Language & Literature. Mr Salles is so enthusiastic and cheery that it is infectious! He gives incredible logical advice to not only motivate you, but keep you grounded. Mr Bruff's quote songs and raps are very, very handy to help you remember quotes!

Dislike: Explicit AQA focus. Best speaking to your English teacher to see how it crosses over with your syllabus.

Please check with your subject teacher that the following exam boards are correct:

  • Art & Design AQA
  • Biology EDEXCEL
  • Chemistry EDEXCEL
  • Computer Science AQA
  • Drama Cambridge
  • DT (Product Design) EDEXCEL
  • English Language EDEXCEL
  • English Literature EDEXCEL
  • Food, Preparation & Nutrition OCR
  • French AQA
  • Geography EDEXCEL
  • German EDEXCEL

  • Greek OCR
  • History Cambridge
  • Latin OCR
  • Mathematics EDEXCEL
  • Music EDEXCEL
  • Physics EDEXCEL
  • RS AQA
  • Spanish AQA
  • Sports Science AQA
  • Science (Dual) EDEXCEL
  • Certificate in Further Maths (AQA)

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