Revision Practice 



This website is well worth a visit.  Cognitive psychologists have developed 6 strategies which you could adopt which will help you with your revision. All of these suggestions have been mentioned before on Arete Learning, but on this site they have a slide show for each strategy to help you understand how you can use them in your revision:

1. Spaced Practice

2. Retrieval Practice

3. Elaboration

4. Interleaving

5. Concrete Examples

6. Dual Coding

want to delve deeper?

1. spaced practice

2. retrieval practice

4. Interleaving

Need some practical ideas?

Online Timetabling app

5. Concrete examples

Tried a Revision Timetable?

Revision timetables

Having a revision plan is important, but you do not have the time to spend hours making one! Below are timetables you can print/save and apps which you can try out.  Be creative with your timetables - be as specific as you can be when allocating sessions. Using post-its on top of plans may be an easier way to filter down what you are going to focus on each night.  You have lots of options available to you; consider using a monthly plan is to create an overview and structure. The BBC daily planner has a great 'to do list' approach when you have a full day to focus on revision. Initially you may choose to following your current homework timetable. 

Printable Timetable templates:

This links opens up a choice of 2 timetables. 

BBC Bitesize provides downloadable monthly, weekly and daily planners at the bottom of the page

Apps you could download :

My Study life

Track homework and assignments, organise your daily and weekly schedule. Stored in the Cloud for easy access on multiple devices. Available on: Play Store, iTunes

SQA My Study plan

Created by the Scottish Qualification Authority for Scottish students, this app creates a personalised study plan based on when you exams are - you can import your exam timetable directly from SQA MyExams. Availalbe on: Play Store, iTunes


If you have an Android, Timetable is one way to manage school life across your devices on:Play Store

timetable warning

You do not want to spend hours making a timetable and throw it out after a week.  Revisit the Y10 'big idea', managing the workload and see what the 'best students' do when making a timetable in a TED talk given by Elevate.

the apps above are currently untested by chs students give us your reviews and Tell us what works for you here so we can continue to guide future CHS Waconians.

Emily Studies provides a downloadable 8am-10pm 7 day a week schedule with flowers at the top!