US History

This is a two semester course. First semester begins with the study of America’s growing involvement in world affairs, attempts to acquire territorial possessions, and reform movements of the early 1900’s. Another important even that will be studied is World War I and the results of the peace treaty that followed. The course continues with a study of the economic, social, and political climate of the 1920’s, and the causes and effects of the Great Depression. Finally, in the first semester, the course will conclude with an extensive study of World War II by examining the causes and results of the war. The second semester continues with an in-depth study of the Cold War, its impact on both foreign policy, and domestic affairs. Next, there will be an extensive study of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. The course will also look at the significant events of the 1960s and 1970s, including the Cuban Missile crisis, political assassinations, the Vietnam War, the Space Race, and Watergate. The course will study the impact of the Reagan era on U.S. foreign and domestic policy in the 1980s, and it will conclude by looking at the Bush and Clinton administrations. America’s role in a variety of forms throughout the world will be studied.