8th Grade PE

Strength Training Unit Slides

8th Grade PE Resources (Handouts/Assignments)

Square Dance Instructional Videos

Dynamic 5 Minute Warm-up Stretches

30 Seconds - Alternating High Kicks - Frankensteins -right arm extended in front of body swing left leg out to touch fingers, switching

30 Seconds - Alternating Toe Touches - start with bending with right hand touching ground lift straighten left leg behind body, switching

30 Seconds - Alternating Knee Tucks - come up on toe and bring other bent knee into chest, switiching

30 Seconds - Alternating Hip Turn Outs - standing "open gates", switching

30 Seconds - Alternating Lunge with a Twist over forward bent knee

30 Seconds - Rising Torso Twist - start bent over slowly bring body to standing position

30 Seconds - Alternating Back Slaps - start with right arm on top, bend elbows, slap back, straighten arms, switching

15 Seconds - Forward Arm circles, start arms out at shoulder level - start small - slowly enlarge circles

15 Seconds - Backward Arm circles, start arms out at shoulder level - start small - slowly enlarge circles

15 Seconds - Butt Kickers - with arms swinging at 90 degree angles past ribs - intense speed

15 Seconds - High Knees - with arms swinging at 90 degree angles past ribs - bring knees higher than hips

15 Seconds - Jumping Jacks

15 Seconds - Burpees

Walker's Weightlifting Workout

You can use a water bottle, 2 or 5 pound weight, or backpack to lift.  We are focusing on Muscle Endurance, with Full Range of Motion through the lift.  Our goal is to develop strong and long muscles that have the ability to work hard for long periods of time.  Make sure to check the weight you are lifting, it is important to complete a set of 20 repetitions twice!

Abdominal Floor Exercises:

1)Planks 3 sets/10 reps

2)Leg Lifts 3 sets/10 reps (6 in heel raises, scissor lifts, Right-Center-Left lift)

3)Curl Ups 3 sets/10 reps

4)Bicycle Sit-ups 3 sets/10 reps

Ground lifts:

1)Triceps R/L    2 sets/20 reps

2)Up and Over both arms 2 sets/20 reps

3)Lying Bench Press 2 sets/20 reps

4)Military Press R/L 2 sets/20 reps

Leaning on table or chair lifts:

1)Lat Pulls R/L     2 sets/20

2)Bicep Curls R/L    2 sets/20

Standing Lifts:

1)Triceps Kickbacks R/L   2 sets/20