
  1. Click FANBOYS to access YouTube video

  2. Click Monkey Isle to access game

  3. Click titles to access worksheets

And, but, for, nor, or, so, and yet—these are the seven coordinating conjunctions. To remember all seven, you might want to learn one of these acronyms: FANBOYS, YAFNOBS, or FONYBAS. Coordinating conjunctions connect words, phrases, and clauses

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This is a game about conjunctions in the English language. It helps ESL learners to practice using different commonly used conjunctions or connecting words. A conjunction is important because it helps join different ideas in a sentence. This activity helps English learners to learn and practice the use of conjunctions in a fun and engaging way. Thus, whether used in classroom lessons or played as homework by students, learning is bound to occur unconsciously.

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And, but & or are conjunctions commonly used to connect words in various ways (in lists, compound subjects, compound objects, etc). In these worksheets, students are given two simple, repetitive sentences and are asked to rewrite them as one sentence by joining words together with and, but or or.

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Conjunctions join words and phrases in different ways. These worksheets give students practice in recognizing the most common conjunctions: and, or, but, so yet and their use in joining words or clauses.

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The coordinating conjunctions can be used to combine two independent clauses into a single compound sentence. In these worksheets, students combine two simple sentences using the given coordinating conjunction. Note: All answers include a comma prior to the coordinating conjunction.

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