Home Help

I have a lot to teach your child this year, but there is one thing at the top of my list. You may have heard your child say it already. I want them to say with confidence, 

"I can do it!" 

Help me encourage your child to say this often - especially when tasks seem difficult!

Sight Words are extremely important! Your child needs to know how to read the words we practice each week in class. Provide ongoing opportunities for them to show you they know how to read and write these words. Some of the words on the linked list have already been informally presented to the children. Check to see how many words your child knows!

Counting: Work with you child to count to 100. If your child can already do that, then practice counting higher! You can also challenge them by counting by  5s and 10s.

Scissors: Cutting with scissors is a difficult task for kindergarteners. Please give your child ample opportunities to practice this skill at home using child-safe scissors.

Letter Recognition: Practice recognition of letters out of order. They often know the song and came name them in order if it is presented that way, but they need to name them by sight and out of order.

Letter Sounds: Practice the sounds that the letters make. Pay special attention to both the sounds that vowels make. 

Writing Letters: We always begin writing our letters at the top! 

Writing Numbers: We always begin writing our numbers at the top!

Writing Their Names: Have your child practice writing their name! 

Addition: Have fun adding things!

Subtraction: Have fun subtracting things!

Syllables: Have fun playing syllable games with your child.

Nouns: "If you can touch it it’s a noun!” is our mantra!

Verbs: "If you do it it’s a verb!” is our mantra!

Adjectives: We know these as words that describe things.

Prepositions: We know these as words that tell where things are.

We are beginning to learn keyboarding skills. Good keyboarding skills are necessary by 3rd grade!