Mr. Obe's 


updated on 5/9/24

Important Notes

none at present

Upcoming Events

Track Meet Field Trip - May 22 - 8:30 to 10:30 - Chico High Track

Room 14 Graduation Ceremony - June 6 - 6:00

Last Day of School! - June 7

Curriculum Focus for the week of May 6

Sight Words:  good, who

See the link at the top of the page for a complete list of the kindergarten sight words.

Letters:   review

Number:  review

School Virtue of the Month


Making a plan and putting it into practice

Practice writing the weekly number, letter and sight word.

Read the weekly sight word mini book to a family member.

Write a sentence or two.

Classroom Wish List

EXPO ultra tip dry erase markers - We could use a lot of these!

Dollar Store trinkets for our classroom treasure chest

pre-packaged student snacks (Goldfish, Cheez Its, chips, etc...)

Room 14 Classroom PTA Partner

Katie Danner has generously stepped up to be our classroom Classroom PTA Partner for the school year. She will be our liaison to the PTA for any PTA sponsored school functions scheduled for the year. Thank you, Katie, for stepping up to fill such an important role for our class!