Qualification Pathways

Know Your Levels

All students in Key Stage 4 (Year 10-11) at King Edward's follow a Level 2 study programme; typically a suite of 9 GCSE courses. Progression on to Level 3 academic courses is determined by the outcomes achieved at the end of Year 11. Students intending to follow an apprenticeship pathway may continue with Level 2 study and progress from there, even if they have five or more GCSEs at grade 4 or better. This will be to allow them to develop 'on the job' skills whilst studying. 

Qualification Pathways

In Sixth Form all students follow a Level 3 pathway, this allows them to access a range of destinations from Higher and Further Education, apprenticeships (at all levels) and employment. the choice and breadth of pathways and quaifications is huge! 

(Image source: Resourceful Careers)