online safety

It is imperative in the digital age in which we live that students, parents and teachers take measures to ensure their safety and the safety of others while online. Cheshire Public Schools is committed to providing resources that educate and inform about online safety.


what your children are accessing, who they are contacting and how they are conducting themselves online.


your children in conversation about their online activities, the presence they have and the footprint they leave.


your children on the dangers that the Internet may present, how to utilize it for good and that their online presence has long-lasting implications.

Safety first caution sign.

Online Safety resources

Stay Safe Online: Online Safety Basics - this resource provides several informative guides on some of the very basic online safety tips.

Internet Safety 101: Age-based Guidelines - this site provides age-based resources for parents.

Be Internet Awesome - a Google-sponsored site with game-based learning for students, curriculum resources for teachers, and an Internet safety pledge for parents to use with their children.

NetSmartz: Internet Safety - this site has some general resources on basic Internet safety primarily for parents, but has additional resources for children of all ages.

NetSmartz: Parents - this comprehensive site has a lot of topics regarding Internet safety for parents.

NetSmartz: Educators - this comprehensive site has a lot of topics regarding Internet safety for teachers.

NetSmartz: Teens - this comprehensive site has a lot of topics regarding Internet safety for teens.

NS Teens - a site provided by, but geared toward the mindset of a teen with videos, games, quizzes, etc.