Remote Learning by Grade

Grades K-3

For students in Grades K-3, teachers utilize Seesaw to communicate assignments on a daily basis, share video lessons, and arrange individual, small group, and/or whole class sessions via Google Meet.  Students will attend live Google Meet sessions to receive core instruction.  Individual teachers will provide the schedule for each day of live sessions.  Live instructional sessions for each class may last approximately 15-25 minutes.  Independent work for each class will often be completed offline. 

As Seesaw is new to our students, teachers, and families this year, below are a few resources to help students log in and make a post.

Kindergarten Student Login

Student Login Instructions for grades 1-3

How do students add posts to Seesaw?

Grades 4-6

For students in grades 4-6, teachers utilize Google Classroom as the primary means to deliver instruction. Through a combination of video lessons, live sessions using Google Meet, interactive online tools, and feedback, students continue to work on prioritized areas of the curriculum during Remote Learning. Students will attend live Google Meet sessions to receive core instruction.  Individual teachers will provide the schedule for each day of live sessions.  Live instructional sessions for each class may last approximately 15-25 minutes.  Independent work for each class will often be completed outside of the live Google Meet session. 

Grades 7-12

For students in grades 7-12, teachers utilize Google Classroom as the primary means to deliver instruction. Through a combination of video lessons, live sessions using Google Meet, interactive online tools, and feedback, students continue to work on prioritized areas of the curriculum during Remote Learning. Students will attend live Google Meet sessions according to the bell schedule for the middle or high school.  The length of time for the live Google Meet sessions may vary by grade level, subject, class, and/or tasks for a given day.

Students who receive Special Education Services

Remote learning for special education students includes everything that is provided to regular education students AND those additional supports which are listed in the IEP that can be applied via remote learning.

COVID-19 Waiver for Service

English Language Learners

Remote Learning for English Learners includes everything provided to the students in their grade level. In addition, appropriate staff connects with students via Google Meet and phone calls to support their progress in the classroom and work on appropriate language goals.  In addition, to the extent possible and where needed, communication will be translated into the student’s home language. 


Remote Learning for students receiving support through SRBI includes everything provided to the students in their grade level.  In addition, appropriate staff connects with students via Google Meet and phone calls to support their progress in the classroom and work on appropriate reading and math goals.

Report Cards

Cheshire Public Schools will utilize traditional report cards and grading systems for the 2020-21 school year regardless of whether students are part of an in-person, remote, and/or hybrid learning model.

Additional Elementary Parent Resources