Art, Music, & Physical Education

with Mrs. MacFarland


Mrs. MacFarland graduated in 1999 with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education with a concentration in Music. Her first teaching experience was at Parker Core Knowledge where she taught 3rd grade. After a 7 year sabbatical to be with her young children, Mrs. MacFarland returned to teaching here at Cherry Creek Academy in 2008.

Mrs. MacFarland has served in many roles here at Cherry Creek Academy including classroom teaching in 1st, 3rd and Kindergarten. She now teaches Art, P.E. and Music to both our Kindergarten & 1st grade classes as well as 7th grade Health. When she is not at Cherry Creek Academy, Mrs. MacFarland enjoys reading, exercising, playing the piano, singing, laughing, spending time with her family and friends, and healthy cooking and baking.

Teaching Philosophy

Mrs. MacFarland's teaching philosophy centers around students achieving their greatest academic potential within the least restrictive environment possible. This means giving students the freedom to learn in their own individual style in a classroom that promotes that style. The teacher must provide types of instruction that best meets the needs of all students through interactive instruction that accommodates the many different learning styles of students. By creating this environment, the teacher is providing a place where children can most successfully feed their natural drive to learn.