
General Physics
Syllabus: Calendar and Grading

Typical Week

You should expect to work several days of the week, though you are always welcome to work ahead (or negotiate alternate due days). The typical weekly schedule will be as follows:

Lectures will be a mix of the following:

While I normally expect you to pay attention and be on task during lecture, I understand that there are legitimate reasons to briefly leave the room, use your phone, or have off-topic conversations with other students. You are an adult and you get to make your own decisions about such things. But please limit these activities and only do so when it doesn't disrupt the class.

Homework is due at 11:55 pm on the day listed.


Each week will cover approximately one chapter from the text.  Chemeketa will be close on Monday, 5/27.  Nothing will be due this day, though you may work at home without the expectation of support. See Canvas for more details.

Grading Principles

I cannot guarantee a particular grade as it is ultimately based on performance. But I can honestly say that every student I have had in decades of teaching who completed all of the work earned at least a B.


Letter Grades

Percentages may be rounded up at the discretion of the instructor.


Note: all points listed below are approximate. I might make subtle adjustments during the term.

Homework and group work: 180 points

Tests: 170 points

Details for Assigned Work

Videos: You will earn one point for answering all of the questions during the lecture videos. The website will not give you full credit if you miss some questions, but I will override your score. Sometimes the software glitches and doesn’t give you credit at all; if so, then contact me on Slack to fix it.

Memorization: Physics has some symbols, terms, units, and formulas that are important to memorize so that you can focus your efforts on problem-solving instead. You will be provided with online flashcards. You can use these or make your own physical copies. You will earn one point each week for doing so twice per week.

Group Work: You will practice problems on whiteboards during the lectures, earning around 3 points per week for a reasonable effort and adherence to guidelines. Good group work includes the following:

Online Homework: You will complete online homework for approximately five points each week. Points shown while you are doing online homework do not correspond with points for the class; they are there simply to show you how you are doing. Use Slack or office hours for help (and to help other students).

Written Homework: You will complete, photograph (if not typed), and upload written homework. You will be graded on both your process (showing work) and your answer. Written homework will sometimes be challenging and may require the use of ideas from multiple chapters of the text. It is worth 3 to 10 points per week. Use Slack or office hours for help (and to help other students).  I will post solutions to written homework after the due dates. 

Chapter Quizzes and Final Exam: You will demonstrate your learning on open-book (hard copy only) and open-note (print these out in advance) quizzes (30 minute time limit, 10 points each) and the final exam (2 hour time limit, 80 points). Questions will be mostly "essay" with occasional multiple choice. You will be expected to use general physical principles to solve novel problems; do not expect simple repetition of problems you have already done as homework with the numbers changed. You must show your work (see above).

Showing Work

You will be graded based on showing your work on written homework, chapter quizzes, and the final exam. This will normally include the following:

A correct answer with missing or entirely incorrect work may result in a grade of zero.

Grading Policies

Extra Projects

You may earn up to 15 points with extra projects. Please note the following:

The following are some suggestions for extra projects: