
Podcasts related to Apraxia


Sometimes it can be difficult to know exactly what you should be working on with your children with childhood apraxia of speech. In this podcast episode, I break down speech sound learning in different levels. Then, I give practical therapy activities that can be used for each level. Click the play button below to listen


In this episode of the Speech and Language Kids podcast, Carrie Clark interviews speech-language pathologist Nancy Kaufman about Childhood Apraxia of Speech Treatment. Links Mentioned: Carrie's Apraxia Page: http://www.speechandlanguagekids.com/childhood-apraxia-speech-resource-page/ Carrie's Apraxia Book: http://www.speechandlanguagekids.com/products/ (Check the books at the top of the page) Nancy Kaufman's Speech Praxis Materials: http://www.northernspeech.com/search/author/Nancy_Kaufman/ Childhood Apraxia of Speech


Speech-Language Pathologist Barbara Davis joins us today to discuss the signs and symptoms of Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) as well as how it is diagnosed. Click the play button below to listen to the entire episode or scroll down to view the show notes.