
School Reopening Committees

At its Monday, Nov. 16 special meeting, the CSD Board of School Directors voted to begin the phased-in implementation of a hybrid educational model on Monday, Feb. 1. As a result, administration will reevaluate and adjust its implementation schedule and provide further information regarding the new timeline to the community.

The reopening committees reconvened in October to continue exploring and providing input on a wide range of possible scenarios and issues, including transportation, co-curricular/ winter athletics, COVID-19 training and health monitoring tool, and communication protocols and building procedures. Each committee has come has gathered twice with meetings picking up after the Thanksgiving break.

Committee designations remain the same as they were during summer meetings: Curriculum and Instruction, Health and Wellness, Operations, and Student Activities and Sports. Committee membership carries over from the summer meetings and comprises students and families, members of the Cheltenham Educators’ Association (CEA), Business Employees’ Council (BEC), school board and Cheltenham community, and school-level and central office administrators.

Following every meeting, the committees will share with the community written reports outlining how each of the aforementioned areas will be addressed. For those with questions, please send them to Questions will be routed to the appropriate committee.