Elementary Summer Reading

Over the summer students should read at least 20 minutes every day to maintain their reading skills. They can read by themselves or with someone. Reading includes physical books, ebooks, and audiobooks! 

Every student received a Summer Reading Book that is theirs to keep,
and a packet with some other suggested activities to try at home.

Visit the Chelsea Public Library!  569 Broadway Chelsea, MA 02150 

Grade 1-2 Summer Reading Packet

Gr1-2 Summer Reading Packet 2024.pdf

Grade 3 Summer Reading Packet

Gr3 Summer Reading Packet 2024.pdf

Grade 4 Summer Reading Packet

Gr4 Summer Reading Packet 2024.pdf

Resources for Summer Reading Books

This year, summer reading is all about student choice. Below are a few FREE resources where students can get books to read.

1. Actual books: Students can read books they already have at home, enjoy the new books in the summer reading book pack, and get books from the Chelsea Public Library

2. Ebooks & audio books online: a few online sources that you probably have already used to access online books are listed below.

Recommended Websites (20 minutes/day)

Storyline Online

Watch videos of famous people reading aloud great books! Talk about the read aloud with someone in your family. 


Online educational games for children of all ages!