
Welcome to Our Classes

Art (Mrs. Ennis) * Music (Mr. Draft) * STEM (Dr. McGrath) * Technology (Ms. Parker)

Beck Parent Dashboard 

Each student rotates through an Exploratory class; one per marking period. We do not issue interims like the core classes. When the marking period ends, so does that current course. Refer to your schedule in Genesis.

Days 1 & 3 are A days.                                                                                                                                                     Days 2 & 4 are B days. 

Parent Conferences: It is not imperative you meet with the Exploratory team. You should meet with their current core teachers or if there are concerns within the current cycle class. You are welcome to stop by room 52 if you need one of us.

Dates (2nd Marking Period):

Be mindful students have early dismissal on Friday, December 13th. 

Student Use of Wireless Communication Devices