If you have any questions or want to send me examples of your work you can contact me at:            😃

The SOFT MATERIALS CHALLENGE BOARD is below.  (scroll down)

On your TECHNOLOGY DAY complete (or make a start on) an activity from the board.  You can choose more than one activity from each section if you wish.

**You could also choose an activity from the ones provided below the challenge board.**

You have two options for sharing your learning with me.

Option 1- email me what you have learnt, with photos etc so I can see how awesome you are, and I can give you some feedback. (

Option 2- Add a video response via your class's FLIPGRID (See links below)

Don't Forget to upload your learning to your e-portfolio on your website under Soft


(Y8s all will have one of these)

INCLUDE:  Date, details of activity, add photos etc. then PUBLISH


Ngutuawa Lyttleton Primary Y7/8


Marshland Y7 (Morning) Marshland Y8 (Afternoon)

Mt. Pleasant ChCh East Y7/8

St. Mary's 


Test your knowledge of the Technology terms in this quiz


Be a Designer! 

T-shirt designs for you or your school (using Canva)

Part 1. Email Mrs Mayo or record on paper the 5 tips you learnt from this YouTube about  T-shirt design.

Part 2. Ready to create your own T-shirt design now? Watch this 15 minutes video of how to do this using CANVA.  It is worth watching because this guy has been selling T-shirts with his design skills!

Part 3. Take a 'screenshot' of your final creations and email them to or you could add it to your school's FLIPGRID link (above)- make sure you include your name so you can take the credit ;) 

Part 4. T-shirt business and what you can learn from Wordle.  Go to Test your knowledge above and solve the 5 wordle challenge.

Blooket on: (Double click on your choice of learning.)

Basic sewing machine parts

Fibres, Yarns and Fabrics Basics

Have a go at hand sewing...


(a) Practical skills learnt today:  

*How to sew a button *Hand sewing stitches

Watch this video to find out how: 

(b) Now you are ready to think about your project:

You can use one of these videos to help you if needed

Easy step by step felt monsters  includes overcast stitch, back stitch and blanket stitch  PLUS add in a BUTTON from the How to Hand sew video above  (starts at 8:53).

How to make Felt Monsters  Can use this BUT MUST SEW NOT GLUE features on and one feature must be a button.  Blanket stitch is used here.

Piranha Fish  Instruction guide (use button for eyes!)

(c) Decide what you want to create -Monster or Softie?

  Get your paper pattern ready.

(d) Constraints and Requirements for this project:

(e) Steps to guide you:

C+O+O+L Factor card and draw - Qualities your teacher will look for!