
Reading Apps

Suggested Reading Apps

These are suggested reading apps. I will try to keep them updated as I hear about new ones. Some may work better for some students than others. I am happy to help guide or have fun exploring! Many are free or students have access through Seawell.

Reading Comprehension Questions.pdf

Comprehension Questions

Talking about reading is essential for students being able to understand what they are reading. Here are some guiding questions to get you and your child talking!

Websites to Help with Reading


PebbleGo has a variety of different texts for students to choose from. The great thing about this website is that students can listen as they read!

Students will need a username and password. E-mail me and I am happy to provide it!

Storyline Online

Storyline Online brings well known actors and actresses and childhood classics together. This website allows for your child to be exposed to some fantastic books with some fantastic books. There are also free activity guides for teachers and parents!

Some of my favorites include: A Bad Case of Stripes, Chester's Way, Library Lion, Stellaluna, Thank You, Mr. Faulkner, The Kissing Hand, and The Rainbow Fish.

Developed by CHCCS' very own librarians this website will help you diversify your child's reading! There are some great resources for all grade levels.

Mrs. Marlette has signed her 2019-2020 Butterflies with an account for her classroom. Mrs. Marlette's students can access their Epic Books account from home using password: vav2694

Ms. Carroll's class also has a code! sign in using bmt8142