6th Grade Country Research

Welcome to your first research project! This webpage will help guide you through the process.

Class presentation: Introduction to Research

Presentation notes

Introduction to Research
Big6 Intro - 6th graders

Important Resources


An online encyclopedia that provides information about the people who live in various countries.

Each country also has a small section on landforms, climate, and history.

Click here to access the CultureGrams website.

6th Grade CultureGrams Video

A video introduction to finding information in CultureGrams.

Library Books

These books will be available on a cart in the library on your research days. Please do not check them out so other classes may use them!

These books will go in to more detail about the physical geography of various countries.

The CIA World Factbook has a lot of data. If you've already used CultureGrams and a book, it's worth checking out for up-to-the-minute statistics about various countries.